The teaching of the Philosophy of Knowledge is part of the complementary training activities of the CDS in Philosophical Sciences. At the end of the course students are expected to acquire the following skills: understanding of the problems of metaphysics, logic and theory of knowledge in relation to their theoretical-methodological evolution and to the different lines of contemporary debate;
in-depth knowledge of texts and currents of thought dealing with these problems as well as training in the ability to discuss their specific philosophical proposals;
training in the ability to elaborate the relationship between the aforementioned theoretical issues and the main developments of today's human, social, and physical-natural sciences.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710090 FILOSOFIA DELLA CONOSCENZA - LM in Scienze filosofiche LM-78 BAGGIO GUIDO


The course will investigate the analytic/ synthetic distinction in Immanuel Kant's theory of knowledge, and then analyse its reception and problematisation in Charles S. Peirce, Rudolf Carnap and Willard Van Orman Quine. Lastly, some recent theoretical proposals will be considered.

The programme will be developed as follows:
- Synthetic and analytic judgements in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason
- Peirce's reception of Kantian theory of knowledge
- Carnap's interpretation of analyticity
- The rejection of Quine's analytic/synthetic distinction.
- Synthetic reasoning and gesture

Core Documentation

I. Kant, Critica della ragion pura (preferibilmente edizione Bompiani, a cura di Costantino Esposito) [parti scelte].
C. S. Peirce, Scritti scelti, UTET, Torino 2008 [parti scelte].
R. Carnap, L’analiticità nel linguaggio osservativo e nel linguaggio teorico, in Analiticità, significanza, induzione, Il Mulino 1971.
W.V.O. Quine, Due dogmi dell’empirismo, in Da un punto di vista logico. Saggi logico-filosofici, a cura di P. Valore, Raffaello Cortina 2004.
G. Maddalena, Filosofia del gesto. Un nuovo uso per pratiche antiche, Carocci 2021.

Recommended texts

R. M. Calcaterra, G. Maddalena, G. Marchetti. Il pragmatismo. Dalle origini agli sviluppi contemporanei, Carocci 2015
F. Fistetti, Il Novecento nello specchio delle filosofie, Linguaggi, immagini del mondo, paradigmi, UTET 2021
J.-M. C. Chevalier, Peirce’s relativization of the analytic vs. synthetic dichotomy, in BLITYRI, IX, 2, 2020
R. Hanna, The Return of the Analytic-Synthetic Distinction, in “Paradigmi”, 2012, fascicolo 1, pp. 19-68.

Type of delivery of the course

The course consists of Lectures; Seminars; students' talks. Any written papers, valid for the exam, will be organized during the course and communicated through the website FILCOSPE, in the "Didactics" section of Prof. Baggio’s personal page (http://www.uniroma3.it/en/persone/SUQvVGsrWERoMUV6dHBTY0docklza0NpeEhxN2FMQkhKdlhVMGEwN1RTMD0=/insegnamenti/). In the case of an extension of the health emergency caused by COVID-19, all the instructions that regulate the modalities of educational activities and student evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the following modalities will be applied: remote teaching through the University's platforms (Moodle and Microsoft Teams).


Attendance is not mandatory but particularly recommended. Not attending students have to study for the oral exam an additional text to choose from those indicated, for each module, in the section "Recommended texts".

Type of evaluation

The evaluation takes place through a final oral examination on the topics and texts considered during the course and an evaluation of the active participation in class and in group works. The study by students attending the course of one of the "Recommended Texts" will be properly taken into account for the evaluation of the exam. Not attending students are required to study an additional text to be chosen from those indicated, for each module, in the "Recommended Texts" section of this program. In the case of an extension of the health emergency caused by COVID-19, all the instructions that regulate the modalities of educational activities and student evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the following modalities will be applied: oral distance exams through the Microsoft Teams platform