Knowledge of the methodologies and techniques of the discipline of landscape archeology, enriched by basic knowledge on environmental archeology. Ability to describe and analyze ancient territorial contexts with attention to anthropic and physical components.
teacher profile | teaching materials


LANDSCAPE ARCHEOLOGY: between collective MEMORY, COMMUNITY and PROJECT. Landscape archaeology approaches the communities and the history of their territories, and it contributes to the definition of criteria for sustainable development. Various case studies will be examined relating to more or less successful experiments of integration of archaeological and historical landscape studies with the design and planning of contemporary landscape contexts. The legislative stages of the regulations on the protection of territorial contexts will be retraced, up to the Faro Convention (2005), its implications and its recent implementation in Italy. Guidelines will be drawn up for the application of forms and initiatives of public archaeology, on the basis of solid 'participatory' and shared research paths. Particular attention will be given to the dynamics of perception of the historical memory of the territories, to forms of active protection of the contemporary landscape (as a product of diachronic interactions between man and environment), to the public dimension of research on the cultural values of a landscape.

Core Documentation

Reading in Italian:
-G. Volpe, Un patrimonio italiano. UTET 2016 (pp.29-180).
-G.Volpe, Archeologia Pubblica. Metodi, tecniche , esperienze. Carocci ed. 2020 (cap.1-4-5-6 + introduzione).
-F. Baratti, Ecomusei, paesaggi e comunità. Esperienze, progetti e ricerche nel Salento. Franco Angeli ed. 2012.

-C. Megale - S.Monti, Management per l’archeologia, pp. 145-211
-C. Broodbank, Il Mediterraneo. Piccola biblioteca Einaudi, pp.44-53
-E. Zanini et al., Uomini e cose a Vignale: bilancio di un decennio di archeologia pubblica, condivisa e (forse) sostenibile, in L'archeologia pubblica prima e dopo l'archeologia pubblica, supplemento 09, 2019, pp.473-525
-E. Farinetti, I segni delle trasformazioni del paesaggio antico tra città e campagna, in C. Travaglini (a cura di) Ricerche sul patrimonio urbano tra età tardo antica e moderna tra
Testaccio e Ostiense, «Roma moderna e contemporanea», XX, 2012, 2, pp. 499-509
-E. Farinetti, I paesaggi in archeologia: analisi e interpretazione, Carocci ed. 2012, pp. 44-53 (è consigliata la lettura integrale del volumetto a chi non ha sostenuto l'esame di archeologia dei paesaggi LT)

Reading in English is available on the Moodle platform. Please contact emeri.farinetti@uniroma3.it

Reference Bibliography

Reading in Italian and English is available on the Moodle platform.

Type of delivery of the course

tradizionale e a distanza

Type of evaluation

personal essay (ppt presentation) and oral exame