20710060 - HISTORY...


teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710060 STORIA DELLA CARTOGRAFIA in Storia e società LM-84 MASETTI CARLA


The course will reconstruct the historical evolution of cartography, retracing the modes of representation from antiquity to the eighteenth-century geodetic revolution, up to the creation of the Military Geographic Institute. Particular emphasis will be given to the deconstruction of geocartographic materials, to their use in geo-historical research for the study of landscape transformations.

Core Documentation

Attending students:
- The exam will focus on the topics covered in class, on slides in ppt and supplementary learning material provided during the course.
Non-Attending Students:
- E. Boria, Storia della cartografia in Italia dall’Unità a oggi. Tra scienza, società e progetti di potere, Milano, Utet, 2020 (pp.XI-299)

Type of delivery of the course

The lectures, which total 36 hours (6 CFU), will be held in classrooms and accompanied by image projections. Due to the Covid emergency, the way in which the teaching activity is carried out may change.

Type of evaluation

The examination will take place orally or in writing (in this second case: with open answer questions or multiple choice) and will consist on the evaluation of the knowledge of the course content (course notes) and of the texts proposed during the course. For attending students is expected to draw up a paper written on one of the topics carried out during the lectures. NOTE: Due to the Covid emergency, the way in which the examining activity is carried out may change

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710060 STORIA DELLA CARTOGRAFIA in Storia e società LM-84 MASETTI CARLA


The course will reconstruct the historical evolution of cartography, retracing the modes of representation from antiquity to the eighteenth-century geodetic revolution, up to the creation of the Military Geographic Institute. Particular emphasis will be given to the deconstruction of geocartographic materials, to their use in geo-historical research for the study of landscape transformations.

Core Documentation

Attending students:
- The exam will focus on the topics covered in class, on slides in ppt and supplementary learning material provided during the course.
Non-Attending Students:
- E. Boria, Storia della cartografia in Italia dall’Unità a oggi. Tra scienza, società e progetti di potere, Milano, Utet, 2020 (pp.XI-299)

Type of delivery of the course

The lectures, which total 36 hours (6 CFU), will be held in classrooms and accompanied by image projections. Due to the Covid emergency, the way in which the teaching activity is carried out may change.

Type of evaluation

The examination will take place orally or in writing (in this second case: with open answer questions or multiple choice) and will consist on the evaluation of the knowledge of the course content (course notes) and of the texts proposed during the course. For attending students is expected to draw up a paper written on one of the topics carried out during the lectures. NOTE: Due to the Covid emergency, the way in which the examining activity is carried out may change