20710668 - Laboratorio Religioni nel mondo globalizzato

The objectives of the workshop are the acquisition of tools and critical methods to analyze the history of religions, particularly Islam, and the learning of interdisciplinary ways of reading religious phenomena.
Through the analysis of different sources, the workshop provides the cognitive tools for an observation of religious diversity.


teacher profile | teaching materials


This laboratory is the result of the collaboration between the LM courses "Movements and trends in contemporary Islam" (Prof. G. Gervasio) and "Religions and urban spaces" (Prof. M. Giorda). The aim is to introduce students to the history of the representations of different religious traditions. Islamophobic representations, simplifications such as "Buddhism is not a religion", stereotypes about so-called “primitive” religions, clichés linked to key-words of historical-religious language will be the topics of our educational path. In addition to seminar lectures by the two Professors involved, the course will see the participation of external experts - researchers, representatives of local and international civil society, and personalities of Italian and international religious communities. Documentaries and movies will be an important tool for tackling the object of the course.
The calendar of meetings will be provided at the beginning of the courses.

Core Documentation

S. Meghnaghi, R. Di Castro, L' ebreo inventato. Luoghi comuni, pregiudizi, stereotipi, Giunti, 2021
G. Burgio, Tra noi e i rom. Identità, conflitti, Intercultura 2015
G. Proglio (a cura di), Islamofobia e Razzismo, Seb27, 2020
G. Lapis, Dopo le “religioni mondiali”, Morcelliana 2022

Type of delivery of the course

Seminars given by M. Giorda and G. Gervasio; national and international scholars will be hosted during this laboratory

Type of evaluation

At the end of the course, students will produce a composition related to the topics and issues of the Course

teacher profile | teaching materials


This laboratory is the result of the collaboration between the LM courses "Movements and trends in contemporary Islam" (Prof. G. Gervasio) and "Religions and urban spaces" (Prof. M. Giorda). The aim is to introduce students to the history of the representations of different religious traditions. Islamophobic representations, simplifications such as "Buddhism is not a religion", stereotypes about so-called “primitive” religions, clichés linked to key-words of historical-religious language will be the topics of our educational path. In addition to seminar lectures by the two Professors involved, the course will see the participation of external experts - researchers, representatives of local and international civil society, and personalities of Italian and international religious communities. Documentaries and movies will be an important tool for tackling the object of the course.
The calendar of meetings will be provided at the beginning of the courses.

Core Documentation

S. Meghnaghi, R. Di Castro, L' ebreo inventato. Luoghi comuni, pregiudizi, stereotipi, Giunti, 2021
G. Burgio, Tra noi e i rom. Identità, conflitti, Intercultura 2015
G. Proglio (a cura di), Islamofobia e Razzismo, Seb27, 2020
G. Lapis, Dopo le “religioni mondiali”, Morcelliana 2022

Type of delivery of the course

Seminars given by M. Giorda and G. Gervasio; national and international scholars will be hosted during this laboratory

Type of evaluation

At the end of the course, students will produce a composition related to the topics and issues of the Course

teacher profile | teaching materials


This laboratory is the result of the collaboration between the LM courses "Movements and trends in contemporary Islam" (Prof. G. Gervasio) and "Religions and urban spaces" (Prof. M. Giorda). The aim is to introduce students to the history of the representations of different religious traditions. Islamophobic representations, simplifications such as "Buddhism is not a religion", stereotypes about so-called “primitive” religions, clichés linked to key-words of historical-religious language will be the topics of our educational path. In addition to seminar lectures by the two Professors involved, the course will see the participation of external experts - researchers, representatives of local and international civil society, and personalities of Italian and international religious communities. Documentaries and movies will be an important tool for tackling the object of the course.
The calendar of meetings will be provided at the beginning of the courses.

Core Documentation

S. Meghnaghi, R. Di Castro, L' ebreo inventato. Luoghi comuni, pregiudizi, stereotipi, Giunti, 2021
G. Burgio, Tra noi e i rom. Identità, conflitti, Intercultura 2015
G. Proglio (a cura di), Islamofobia e Razzismo, Seb27, 2020
G. Lapis, Dopo le “religioni mondiali”, Morcelliana 2022

Type of delivery of the course

Seminars given by M. Giorda and G. Gervasio; national and international scholars will be hosted during this laboratory

Type of evaluation

At the end of the course, students will produce a composition related to the topics and issues of the Course

teacher profile | teaching materials


This laboratory is the result of the collaboration between the LM courses "Movements and trends in contemporary Islam" (Prof. G. Gervasio) and "Religions and urban spaces" (Prof. M. Giorda). The aim is to introduce students to the history of the representations of different religious traditions. Islamophobic representations, simplifications such as "Buddhism is not a religion", stereotypes about so-called “primitive” religions, clichés linked to key-words of historical-religious language will be the topics of our educational path. In addition to seminar lectures by the two Professors involved, the course will see the participation of external experts - researchers, representatives of local and international civil society, and personalities of Italian and international religious communities. Documentaries and movies will be an important tool for tackling the object of the course.
The calendar of meetings will be provided at the beginning of the courses.

Core Documentation

S. Meghnaghi, R. Di Castro, L' ebreo inventato. Luoghi comuni, pregiudizi, stereotipi, Giunti, 2021
G. Burgio, Tra noi e i rom. Identità, conflitti, Intercultura 2015
G. Proglio (a cura di), Islamofobia e Razzismo, Seb27, 2020
G. Lapis, Dopo le “religioni mondiali”, Morcelliana 2022

Type of delivery of the course

Seminars given by M. Giorda and G. Gervasio; national and international scholars will be hosted during this laboratory

Type of evaluation

At the end of the course, students will produce a composition related to the topics and issues of the Course