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Mutuazione: 22902489 SOCIOLOGIA DEI MUTAMENTI in Coordinatore dei servizi educativi e dei servizi sociali LM-50 N0 BILOTTI ANDREA


The first part of the master's course deals with the conceptual categories of changes and social changes, as well as some tools for reading and analysing them. In a second part, some relevant contemporary phenomena will be addressed, also through specific thematic seminars, such as, for example: poverty and inequalities, changes and transformations in health; social changes and articulation of response systems (organised solidarity and public and private bodies). The aim is to enable students to acquire theoretical and analytical skills which, in an analogical sense, are reflected in practice for a theory of practice.

Core Documentation

1. a basic text to choose from:
Ambrosini A., Sciolla L. (2015), Sociologia, Mondadori Education, Milano.
Chirot D. (2010), Sociologia del mutamento. Come cambiano le società, il Mulino, Bologna.

2. a text to choose from:
Berti F., Valzania A. (2020) (a cura di), Precarizzazione delle sfere di vita e disuguaglianze, FrancoAngeli, Milano.
Giancola O., Salmieri L. (2020) (a cura di), Sociologia delle disuguaglianze. Teorie, metodi, ambiti, Carocci, Roma.
Wilkinson R., Pickett K. (2019), L'equilibrio dell'anima. Perchè l'uguaglianza ci farebbe vivere meglio, Feltrinelli, Milano.
Harari Y.N. (2018), Sapiens. Da animali a dèi. Breve storia dell'umanità, Bompiani, Milano.

Type of delivery of the course

Teaching will be face-to-face and seminar-based but, given the Master's degree course, students will be required to actively participate in the preparation of shared learning tools through the use of the educational platform formonline.uniroma3.it Students who regularly attend teaching activities are invited to submit a written paper in May, as described in the lessons. Further information will be provided by the teacher during the lessons.

Type of evaluation

The examination takes place in written and oral form. The written part consists of the writing of a synthetic paper, which is different for attending students and for non-attending students. For attending students only, the paper is a group work of a maximum of 15 pages and follows an index that will be provided in the classroom. For non-attending students, the written paper (maximum 5 pages) must be submitted by e-mail 10 days before the exam in which the final exam is to be taken (and is a prerequisite for taking the exam). The subject of the paper must be a social phenomenon analysed from the point of view of the social change produced. The paper is divided into three parts: first part definition of the phenomenon, second part studies and research on the phenomenon, third part aspects of social change - social effects produced. The oral part consists of an in-depth study of the above-mentioned texts. The programme must be studied in full and on time. In the oral examination the topics of the above-mentioned texts and the phenomenon/theme explored in the paper will be studied in depth.