The student will acquire: in-depth and detailed knowledge of the characteristics of Christian literary production of the first five centuries; ability to apply the methodology of philological and literary research to unfamiliar sources; ability to collect and interpret the data acquired, as well as to integrate them with an autonomous use of scientific research instruments, arriving at complex evaluations; ability to express and communicate the conclusions of the study and research activity in a clear and scientifically correct way.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710600 LETTERATURA CRISTIANA ANTICA L.M. in Filologia, letterature e storia dell'antichità LM-15 D'ANNA ALBERTO


First semester (six weeks).
Hours: 6 hours/week, to be defined.
Beginning of the course: to be defined.

Course title 2021-2022: Prisoner Paul writes: Letter to the Philippians, Letter to Philemon.

The course aims to deepen, according to various perspectives of investigation (philological, linguistic, literary, historical, doctrinal), two authentic letters of Paul, united by the condition in which they were written: the author, in fact, is a prisoner. In them, the humanity of the sender, the clear identity of the respective addressees, and the relationship that binds both are immediately evident. The themes are different: the first deals with Christian identity and life. The second deals with the phenomenon of slavery, which pertains to the culture and structure of civil society, even though it is obviously treated on the basis of typically Christian criteria.
The course has a seminar character and involves the active participation of students.

Core Documentation

R. PENNA, Lettera ai Filippesi. Lettera a Filemone, Roma: Città Nuova, 2002.

General section.
For students who have never taken an exam in Ancient Christian Literature: M. SIMONETTI - E. PRINZIVALLI, Storia della letteratura cristiana antica, Bologna: EDB, 2010.
For students who have already taken exams in Ancient Christian Literature: H.Y. GAMBLE, Libri e lettori nella chiesa antica, Brescia: Paideia, 2006.

Type of delivery of the course

In-person lectures (at least 30 hours), broadcast live and recorded. If health conditions permit, educational excursions will be made to religious buildings and/or catacombs and/or museums of relevant interest for the study of Christian antiquity.


For students who are unable to attend, there are adjustments to the program; they are therefore invited to contact the teacher.

Type of evaluation

Interview with the teacher on the program of the course.