The student will acquire: in-depth and detailed knowledge of the characters and problems of the Latin and Greek literary texts composed in late antiquity; ability to apply the methodology of philological research to unfamiliar sources; ability to collect and interpret the acquired data, as well as to integrate them with an autonomous use of scientific research instruments, resulting in complex evaluations; ability to express and communicate the conclusions of the study and research activity in a clear and scientifically correct way.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710601 FILOLOGIA TARDOANTICA L.M. in Filologia, letterature e storia dell'antichità LM-15 D'ANNA ALBERTO


First semester (six weeks).
Hours: 6 hours/week, to be defined.
Beginning of the course: to be defined.

Course title 2021-2022: Overabundant multilingual traditions: the case of the Acts of Peter and Paul.

The traditions on the final part of the lives of the individual apostles are not contained in works that have become canonical, but in an apocryphal literary production that is interesting both from the point of view of content and from that of the phenomena of the history of tradition. The course aims to deepen the literary history of the so-called Acts of Peter and Paul, the oldest form of the legend that presents the two apostles associated in the preaching in Rome, in the fight against Simon Magus and in martyrdom. A work of great success, it is transmitted to us in almost all the ancient languages, has about 200 Latin witnesses, about 50 Greek ones and poses literary and philological questions that are still open.
The course has a seminar character and involves the active participation of students.

Core Documentation

Lecture materials (including critical editions of the texts, taken from: R.A. LIPSIUS, Acta Apostolorum Apocrypha. I: Acta Petri, Acta Pauli, Acta Petri et Pauli, Acta Pauli et Theclæ, Acta Thaddei, Lipsiæ 1891, 118-222) will be provided by the teacher.

General part:
R. MAISANO, Filologia del Nuovo Testamento. La tradizione e la trasmissione dei testi, Roma: Carocci, 2014;
or, for students who have never taken an exam in Classical Philology: P .CHIESA, Elementi di critica testuale. Seconda edizione, Bologna: Pàtron, 2012.

Type of delivery of the course

In-person lectures (at least 30 hours), broadcast live and recorded. If health conditions permit, educational excursions will be made to religious buildings and/or catacombs and/or museums of relevant interest for the study of Christian antiquity.


For students who are unable to attend, there are adjustments to the program; they are therefore invited to contact the teacher.

Type of evaluation

Interview with the teacher on the program of the course.