20703341 - MUSEOLOGY - L.M.

knowledge of museological problems at an advanced level and of themes and problems specific to the discipline; ability to read works of art in their historical context; ability to collect and analyse sources and historical-critical literature; acquisition of methodological skills for autonomous learning in the discipline; ability to apply the knowledge acquired to argue, debate and present, also in written form, the different historical-critical positions; ability to communicate data and concepts to specialist and non-specialist speakers


teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20703341 MUSEOLOGIA - LM in Storia dell'arte LM-89 CAPITELLI GIOVANNA


From Ghiberti to Cicognara, from Karel van Mander to Seroux d'Agincourt: Italian art criticism and its European context.

Core Documentation

Course program

- Julius Schlosser Magnino, La letteratura artistica, Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1964 ed ed. succ. (ed.orig. in tedesco: Vienna 1924). Its digitalized pdf version is available at the following link of the University of Heidelberg: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/schlosser1964.
- Barbara Agosti, Giorgio Vasari. Luoghi e tempi delle Vite, Milano, Officina Libraria, 2016.
- Ferdinando Bologna, La coscienza storica dell’arte in Italia. Introduzione alla Storia dell’Arte in Italia, Torino, UTET ,1982 oppure Milano Garzanti, 1992 (in part. il cap. VI, Dalle Scuole seicentesche al “Sistema delle Scuole” di Luigi Lanzi). This text is out of print and can be consulted at the Luigi Grassi Library of Arts in Piazza della Repubblica. A pdf copy of the parts indicated has been uploaded to the MOODLE OR TEAMS platform.

- for attending students:
passages presented and commented during the lessons (with teaching materials and related in-depth bibliography), made available at the end of the course.

for non-attending students:
at least two texts chosen from the following:

Donata Levi, Il discorso sull'arte. Dalla tarda antichità a Ghiberti, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2010;

Michael Baxandall, Giotto e gli umanisti. Gli umanisti osservatori della pittura in Italia e la scoperta della composizione pittorica 1350 - 1450, Milano, Jaca Book, 1994;

Paola Barocchi, Storiografia e collezionismo dal Vasari al Lanzi, in Storia dell'arte italiana, I.2, L'artista e il pubblico, a cura di Giovanni Previtali, Torino, Einaudi, 1979, pp. 5-81;

Tomaso Montanari, L’età barocca. Le fonti per la storia dell’arte (1600-1750), Roma, Carocci, 2013 (in particolare le parti I e II);

Giovanna Perini, Le lettere degli artisti da strumento di comunicazione, a documento, a cimelio, in Documentary Culture: Florence and Rome from Grand-Duke Ferdinand I to Pope Alexander VII, atti del convegno (Firenze 1990), Bologna, 1992, pp. 165-183.

Extraordinarily, if Barbara Agosti's volume on Giorgio Vasari is not yet available, it is possible to replace it with one of the following volumes or essays:
• Francesco Paolo Di Teodoro, Lettera a Leone X di Raffaello e Baldassarre Castiglione, Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 2020
• Carlo Vecce, “Scritti” di Leonardo da Vinci, in Letteratura italiana Einaudi, Le Opere, vol. 1, a cura di Alberto Asor Rosa, Torino, Einaudi, 1992, pp. 4-34 [disponibile in pdf]
• Angela Cerasuolo, Diligenza e prestezza. La tecnica nella pittura e nella letteratura artistica del Cinquecento, Firenze, Edifir, 2014
• Marco Collareta, Varchi e le arti figurative, in Benedetto Varchi, atti del congresso, Roma, 2007, pp. 173-184 [disponibile on line sulla piattaforma Torrossa, attraverso Discovery]
• Tomaso Montanari, Postfazione. Bellori, trent’anni dopo, in Giovan Pietro Bellori, Le Vite de' pittori scultori e architetti moderni, a cura di Evelina Borea e Giovanni Previtali, postfazione di Tomaso Montanari, Torino, Einaudi, 2009, pp. 657-729 [disponibile in pdf]
• Andrea Zezza, Bernardo De Dominici e le vite degli artisti napoletani. Geniale imbroglione o conoscitore rigoroso?, Milano, Officina Libraria, 2017
• Chiara Gauna, La Storia pittorica di Luigi Lanzi: arti, storia e musei nel Settecento, Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 2003 [disponibile on line sulla piattaforma Torrossa, attraverso Discovery]
• Paola Barocchi, Storiografia e collezionismo dal Vasari al Lanzi, in Storia dell’arte italiana, 1, vol. II, L’artista e il pubblico, Torino, Einaudi, 1979, pp. 5- 81
• Luigi Grassi, Teorici e storia della critica d’arte. Parte seconda. Il Settecento in Italia, Roma, Multrigrafica, 1979 [disponibile in pdf]

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures, workshops and site visits.


Attendance is not mandatory but highly recommended. A specific program is dedicated to non-attending students.

Type of evaluation

For students attending the course, the exam takes place also "in itinere" with the oral presentation of a group work on a selected text within the teaching activity (10 %) and, in conclusion of the course, with an oral exam that assesses the knowledge and understanding of the texts adopted, as well as that of the contributions analyzed during the lessons and made available on the teacher's bulletin board. For non-attending students, the exam takes place through an oral exam that examines the degree of knowledge and understanding of the texts adopted, even those specifically indicated for "non-attending". The rating scale is 30/30. Evaluation elements are: 1) the depth and breadth of the knowledge acquired; 2) the ownership of language and the mastery of the sector vocabulary; 3) the ability to critically link issues and problems addressed.