20710613 - Forme e stili della scrittura giornalistica - LM

The course "Forms and Styles of journalistic writing" aims to provide a critical understanding of the most common forms and styles of journalistic writing, such as investigation, reportage, documentary, literary description, cross-media storytelling. The course aims to provide: 1) a thorough knowledge of the most common forms of journalistic writing 2) analysis of some of the most known journalistic texts dedicated to the importance of the style of writing 3) a case study on the relationship between form and style of journalistic writing and the representation of reality.

The aim of the course is for the students to acquire a general idea of the forms of journalistic writing and to understand the importance of style as a cognitive category.

At the end of the course, the student will be able to analyse the importance of the plurality of forms and styles of writing in describing reality.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710613 Forme e stili della scrittura giornalistica - LM in Informazione, editoria, giornalismo LM-19 BALICCO DANIELE


Narrating the Anthropocene, between literature and journalism
(First semester)

The course is divided into two parts. The first part is introductory: it will analyse some forms of journalistic representation of society (such as the investigation, the reportage, the documentary, the literary description, the cross-media narration) with a particular attention to the analysis of the writing style. The second part is thematic: the case study will be dedicated to the analysis of the concept of the Anthropocene through the work of some contemporary writers and journalists, such as Amitav Ghosh, Jonathan Franzen, Stefano Liberti.

Core Documentation

Christophe Bonneuil, Jean-Baptiste Fressoz, La terra, la storia e noi, Treccani, Roma 2020

Amitav Ghosh, La grande cecità, Neri Pozza, Vicenza 2017
Jonathan Franzen, La fine della fine del mondo, Einaudi, Torino 2019
Stefano Liberti, Terra bruciata, Rizzoli, Milano 2020

Type of delivery of the course

Frontal lesson

Type of evaluation

Written test