The student will acquire knowledge of aspects, moments, questions of Italian linguistic history from the Origins to the present, with attention also to the most ancient phases of our language, and with specific attention to reading and analyzing texts, literary and other, considered paradigmatic from various points of view.


teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20703166-2 STORIA DELLA LINGUA ITALIANA II L.M. in Italianistica LM-14 D'ACHILLE PAOLO


Two varieties of Italian: popular Italian and regional Italian yesterday and today.

Core Documentation

1) Paolo D'Achille, Italiano dei semicolti e italiano regionale. Tra diastratia e diatopia, Padova, libreriauniversitaria.it, 2022.
2) Enrico Testa, L'italiano nascosto. Una storia linguistica e culturale, Torino, Einaudi, 2014.
3) Nicola De Blasi, Geografia e storia dell'italiano regionale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2014.

Attending students can replace some chapters of volumes 2-3) with notes and materials provided in class.

Type of delivery of the course

Taught class involving active participation on the part of the students, who can write a paper on the topic of the course. Attendance is recommended. The syllabus is the same for all students, regardless of whether they attend.


Popular Italian and regional Italian are two varieties of Italian that emerged after national unification and identified in studies in the mid-twentieth century. The first one, examined above all in writing, is a social variety, typical of people who have had an incomplete school education; the second one, analyzed mostly in speech, is a geographical variety, which characterizes speakers from different Italian areas. Both varieties were born from the encounter of basic Tuscan-Florentine Italian with the various Italo-Romance dialects and therefore are in part superimposable. The course aims to present, from different and complementary points of view and reading the texts, the main issues raised by the study of popular Italian and regional Italian.

Type of evaluation

An oral exam at the end of the course. Interim assessments will not be available, but attending students can take a final written test that replaces the oral exam. The exam will focus on the material referred to under ‘Bibliography’ and on the topics dealt with during the course. The exam will assess: 1) the depth and breadth of the knowledge of the subject acquired; 2) command of the technical vocabulary; 3) the ability to bring together critically topics and issues dealt with during the course.

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20703166-2 STORIA DELLA LINGUA ITALIANA II L.M. in Italianistica LM-14 D'ACHILLE PAOLO


Two varieties of Italian: popular Italian and regional Italian yesterday and today.

Core Documentation

1) Paolo D'Achille, Italiano dei semicolti e italiano regionale. Tra diastratia e diatopia, Padova, libreriauniversitaria.it, 2022.
2) Enrico Testa, L'italiano nascosto. Una storia linguistica e culturale, Torino, Einaudi, 2014.
3) Nicola De Blasi, Geografia e storia dell'italiano regionale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2014.

Attending students can replace some chapters of volumes 2-3) with notes and materials provided in class.

Type of delivery of the course

Taught class involving active participation on the part of the students, who can write a paper on the topic of the course. Attendance is recommended. The syllabus is the same for all students, regardless of whether they attend.


Popular Italian and regional Italian are two varieties of Italian that emerged after national unification and identified in studies in the mid-twentieth century. The first one, examined above all in writing, is a social variety, typical of people who have had an incomplete school education; the second one, analyzed mostly in speech, is a geographical variety, which characterizes speakers from different Italian areas. Both varieties were born from the encounter of basic Tuscan-Florentine Italian with the various Italo-Romance dialects and therefore are in part superimposable. The course aims to present, from different and complementary points of view and reading the texts, the main issues raised by the study of popular Italian and regional Italian.

Type of evaluation

An oral exam at the end of the course. Interim assessments will not be available, but attending students can take a final written test that replaces the oral exam. The exam will focus on the material referred to under ‘Bibliography’ and on the topics dealt with during the course. The exam will assess: 1) the depth and breadth of the knowledge of the subject acquired; 2) command of the technical vocabulary; 3) the ability to bring together critically topics and issues dealt with during the course.