20710175 - Theatrical culture and literary culture

This course aims to provide students an introduction with the relationships between text and performance, theater and print, actors and writers.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710175 CULTURA TEATRALE E CULTURA LETTERARIA in DAMS Teatro, musica, danza LM-65 GERACI STEFANO


PROGRAMME: The course of this year examines the most important historical themes in the Italian Theater and their relationships with the contemporary performances.

Core Documentation

TEXT BOOKS: Lecture notes edited by the teacher, (available at the beginning of the course on the site https://sites.google.com/com/site/stefanogeraci1); F. Taviani, Uomini di scena e uomini di libro. La scena sulla coscienza, Casa Usher 2023 .
The non-attending students must add to the program one of the following books : C. Meldolesi, Tra Totò e Gadda.Sei invenzioni sprecate dal teatro italiano, Bulzoni;S. Geraci, Destini e retrobotteghe. Teatro italiano del Primo Ottocento, Bulzoni, 2010.

Type of delivery of the course


Type of evaluation