22910222 - Psicologia dell'educazione e della formazione

The course aims to provide the student with both a set of conceptual knowledge on human development in different fields (cognitive, social, affective and emotional), and the operational tools to apply this knowledge to educational contexts, with particular reference to the 0- 6. Furthermore, it aims to provide the student with a set of theoretical and applied knowledge on research methods used in developmental psychology.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 22910222 Psicologia dell'educazione e della formazione in Scienze pedagogiche e scienze dell'educazione degli adulti e della formazione continua LM-85 LONIGRO ANTONIA


The course will analyze the concepts of cooperation, from the first manifestations of cooperative behavior that can be observed spontaneously in early childhood up to the promotion of cooperative dynamics in educational and training interventions at later ages. In particular, the lessons, after an introduction dedicated to interpersonal motivational systems, will focus on the psychological mechanisms underlying prosocial and cooperative behaviors and on the role that such behaviors play as the foundation of integration and interculturality. Furthermore, methods to concretely improve dialogue and effectively manage conflicts will also be analyzed. The course will end with the presentation of the constitutive elements of the interventions in the educational and training contexts.

Core Documentation

Gordon, T. (1991). Insegnanti efficaci. Firenze: Giunti.
Tomasello, M. (2010). Altruisti nati. Perché cooperiamo fin da piccoli. Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.
Torre, E. M. (2022). Dalla progettazione alla valutazione. Modelli e metodi per educatori e formatori. Roma: Carocci Faber.

Type of delivery of the course

In addition to traditional lectures conducted with visual aids (slides), the course will also include practical exercises, working in group and video viewing that will allow the students’ active involvement. In case of the extension of the COVID-19 health emergency, the course will be held online via Microsoft Teams environment.


Class attendance is optional but highly recommended.

Type of evaluation

The exam is written and includes 30 multiple choice (4 answer options with only one correct; no penalty for incorrect answer) and 1 open-ended questions for ascertaining the knowledge about the course contents. In case of a high number of students, they will be divided into groups. This information will be communicated in advance on the teacher's notice board at the end of the exam booking period. The exam is passed with a score of at least 18, whereas the highest score is 30/30. Lode may be added if the student demonstrates to master an excellent knowledge about all the course topics. In case of the extension of the COVID-19 health emergency, the exam will be oral.