
The Advanced Marketing Course aims at transferring the knowledge of Digital Marketing and its basic features. Therefore, its main learning outcomes are:
 Contributing to build a cultural vision of IT
 Understanding technological, economic and social reasons of the development of digital marketing and related issues
 Full understanding of the relationship between digital marketing and value
 Understanding the concept of disruptive innovation and its marketing implications
 Knowledge of digital marketing planning and implementation by organizations
 Knowledge of communication management in digital marketing and its evaluation tools
 Ability to frame digital marketing knowledge as to concepts such content, usability, user centered design, user experience design, interaction design
Course topics will be dealt with constant reference to the publishing and information industry. The Course will therefore include a workshop in which changes in book cover in marketplace and marketspace will be explored.


 Ability to correlate among them and with other disciplinary approaches the marketing, strategy and communication knowledge acquired during the Course

 Strengthening of linguistic competence (general and sectoral) both in Italian and English (acquisition and pertinent use of technical terminology, improvement in oral and written communication)

 Ability to draw and develop the essential aspects of digital marketing and communication plans

Soft skills

 Awareness of the complexity of digital technosphere and of its evolutionary trends
 Capacity of a critical and original approach in setting and solving new problems with an interdisciplinary approach
 Capacity to take one’s own responsibilities within the framework of a set of shared rules and of a learning community
 Active and inclusive listening
 Sharing and discussion of opinions
 Critical and original approach to problem setting and solving
 Learning from the experience of other people
 Digital information organization and management
 Clarity in oral and written communication.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710128 MARKETING SPECIALISTICO in Informazione, editoria, giornalismo LM-19 ADDAMIANO SABINA


 Marketing as a social and managerial process: from the orientation to production to digital marketing
 Disruptive innovation and its marketing implications
 Marketing 4.0 and 5.0according to Philip Kotler , Hermawan Kartajaya and Iwan Setiawan
 The generation gaps and their impact on marketing
 Sustainability and its impact on marketing
 The (social) media system and its impact on the marketing changes
 The evolution of devices and its impact on marketing
 Advanced technologies and their impact on marketing
 Web usability definition and user centered design
 User experience design and interaction design
 Planning in digital marketing
 Evaluation of results
 Customisation, personalisation and user profiling
 Promotion and communication: SEO, SEM and digital PR
 Word of mouth and social media within the framework of the network theory
 Evaluation of marketing initiatives: classical and advanced tools
 New forms of content: infographics
 On- and offline integration: QR and geolocation
 Microdata and Big data: opportunities and threats
 Co-creation collaborative platforms
 Book between marketplace and marketspace: two case histories
 A (new) definition of content: The Content Challenge
 Content marketing: content strategy, content creation, content management.

Core Documentation

Learning materials for attending students
 Textbook: Carolina Guerini, Federica Ilaria Fornaciari (a cura di), Marketing digitale. Paradigmi e strumenti, Franco Angeli, Milano 2020
 Readings selected by the teacher
 Papers and slides illustrated during classes, to be distributed at the end of the Course
 Reference text for the workshop: Content Marketing Expert, to be downloaded at http://projects.paragoneurope.eu/attachments/Content%20Marketing%20CMEX/ContentMarketingHandbook.pdf.

Learning materials for non attending students
 Textbook: Carolina Guerini, Federica Ilaria Fornaciari (a cura di), Marketing digitale. Paradigmi e strumenti, Franco Angeli, Milano 2020
 Chapter 16 of the book by J.P. Peter - J.H.Donnelly - C.A. Pratesi, Marketing, McGraw-Hill 2020, VII ed.
 Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, Iwan Setiawan, Marketing 4.0. Dal tradizionale al digitale, Hoepli 2017 (also available in original edition in English: Marketing 4.0. Moving from Traditional to Digital, Wiley 2017)
 Readings selected by the teacher
 Volume / supplementary reading in replacement of the seminar, which will be chosen in consultation with the teacher.

Type of delivery of the course

Course methodology is based on: - lectures including a theoretical part and the illustration of examples and cases, integrated by discussions on the topics covered in each class with the active participation of students, also through individual and/or group presentations; - if possible, the intervention of a manager/company executive and/or a company visit. Course is structured in two parts: - institutional part (24 hrs) - workshop (12 hrs) on content strategy, content creation and content marketing. Attendance is optional but highly recommended, especially to those students who do not have preliminary marketing knowledge. The course is in fact part of the scientific-disciplinary grouping SECS-P/08 (Economics and business management), which requires a different approach to study than that of communication sciences. Non-attending students must contact the teacher at the email address sabina.addamiano@uniroma3.it in order to: o notify their non-attending status at least 3 months before the date of the session in which they want to take the exam: o communicate the title of the selected additional book; o evaluate with the teacher the opportunity to agree on another title/part of the exam program on the basis of their scientific interests and professional orientation. Both attending and non-attending students enrolled in BA Courses other than Communication Sciences (Languages, Engineering and others) must also contact the teacher at the email address sabina.addamiano@uniroma3.it, in order to: - make their participation in the Course known at least 3 months before the date of the appeal in which they want to take the exam; - receive specific information and materials to contextualize the Course in their learning path.

Type of evaluation

The evaluation will be carried out by: - an individual interview, possibly based on a short individual paper previously agreed upon with the teacher. The commitment for the drafting of the paper will have a positive impact on the final result; - the contribution made by each student during classes and workshop. During the individual interview, each candidate shall: - demonstrate a sound knowledge of the concepts illustrated during the course; - have the ability to expose them using clearly the technical terminology used during the course, and possibly integrating them with relevant examples; - in the case of the presentation of a paper, illustrate the methodology and criteria followed in the development of the short individual paper. Students’ contribution to the building of a learning community and the acquisition of the Soft Skills listed in the Dublin descriptors for the second cycle will also be positively considered for the final assessment.