20710611 - Strategie delle ricerche di opinione e di mercato - LM

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710611 Strategie delle ricerche di opinione e di mercato - LM in Informazione, editoria, giornalismo LM-19 BALDASSARI ROBERTO


The teaching traces a parable within the world of marketing and opinion research, with focus and insights on the private and public world, in order to provide course participants with the main tools needed to:

• Structuring marketing strategies through the design and analysis of market research;
• Create marketing plans for companies and public bodies;
• Develop and read research briefings correctly;
• Develop and read research reports.

The following topics will be covered during the lessons, which will be supported with research and contributions produced by the teacher and supported by the consultation of media products:

• Introduction to market research: keywords, methods, techniques and objectives
• The market research market in Italy and in the world between tradition and innovation
• Trends in Italian public opinion: politics - current scenarios and trends of political parties and leaders
• Trends in Italian public opinion: culture and economy
• Qualitative research - Focus Groups and in-depth interviews
• Quantitative research - MARKETING - Customer satisfaction and corporate image
• Quantitative research - OPINION - Electoral polls, exit polls, projections
• Territorial marketing research: getting to know and involving the community to co-create experiences, promote destinations and attract investments
• Political communication - election campaigns
• Political communication - history and trends of political logos and electoral badges

Core Documentation

R. Baldassari, Titolo, testi e comunicazione, FrancoAngeli 2008

R. Baldassari, Giornalismo, informazione e comunicazione, Marsilio 2014

Type of delivery of the course




Type of evaluation

The exam will be an oral exam.