Religion and Society in Global Perspective


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Syllabus TBA

Course Content

Presented within the frame of Religion and Society in Global Perspective, this course explores social, historical, and religious change focusing on western Europe in its relationship with the world. Particular attention will be paid to the Renaissance, Religious Reforms, and the Age of Discovery, starting with the late antique and medieval premises for religious and cultural change, and exploring the transformation of religious/magical beliefs and doctrines, systems of power, identity formation and forms of dissent.
The course introduces students to the foundational themes, methods and skills necessary for the study of upper-level religious and cultural history. With a particular focus on the study of primary sources, it enables students to explore for themselves the characteristics of early modern European religious history in global perspective.
The assessment schedule for this course is set out in stages to allow for the incremental development of core skills in the study of history. It is student-centred and involves a written essay about set primary and secondary readings, an oral presentation, and a final oral exam.

Core Documentation

All readings will be made available by the professor on Moodle. The Prof.’s lectures as well as class discussion will be based on those readings.

Reference Bibliography

All readings will be made available by the professor on Moodle. The Prof.’s lectures as well as class discussion will be based on those readings.

Type of delivery of the course

In person/tradizionale

Type of evaluation

1. Saggio/Paper (1500-2000 parole/words) (30%) 2. Presentazione di una outline di ricerca (10-15 minuti) con powerpoint / research outline presentation (10-15 mins) with a ppt (25%) 3. Esame finale / final exam (30%) 4. Partecipazione in classe o da remoto (Teams) / class participation (also through Teams) (15%)

teacher profile | teaching materials


Syllabus TBA

Course Content

Presented within the frame of Religion and Society in Global Perspective, this course explores social, historical, and religious change focusing on western Europe in its relationship with the world. Particular attention will be paid to the Renaissance, Religious Reforms, and the Age of Discovery, starting with the late antique and medieval premises for religious and cultural change, and exploring the transformation of religious/magical beliefs and doctrines, systems of power, identity formation and forms of dissent.
The course introduces students to the foundational themes, methods and skills necessary for the study of upper-level religious and cultural history. With a particular focus on the study of primary sources, it enables students to explore for themselves the characteristics of early modern European religious history in global perspective.
The assessment schedule for this course is set out in stages to allow for the incremental development of core skills in the study of history. It is student-centred and involves a written essay about set primary and secondary readings, an oral presentation, and a final oral exam.

Core Documentation

All readings will be made available by the professor on Moodle. The Prof.’s lectures as well as class discussion will be based on those readings.

Reference Bibliography

All readings will be made available by the professor on Moodle. The Prof.’s lectures as well as class discussion will be based on those readings.

Type of delivery of the course

In person/tradizionale

Type of evaluation

1. Saggio/Paper (1500-2000 parole/words) (30%) 2. Presentazione di una outline di ricerca (10-15 minuti) con powerpoint / research outline presentation (10-15 mins) with a ppt (25%) 3. Esame finale / final exam (30%) 4. Partecipazione in classe o da remoto (Teams) / class participation (also through Teams) (15%)

teacher profile | teaching materials


Syllabus TBA

Course Content

Presented within the frame of Religion and Society in Global Perspective, this course explores social, historical, and religious change focusing on western Europe in its relationship with the world. Particular attention will be paid to the Renaissance, Religious Reforms, and the Age of Discovery, starting with the late antique and medieval premises for religious and cultural change, and exploring the transformation of religious/magical beliefs and doctrines, systems of power, identity formation and forms of dissent.
The course introduces students to the foundational themes, methods and skills necessary for the study of upper-level religious and cultural history. With a particular focus on the study of primary sources, it enables students to explore for themselves the characteristics of early modern European religious history in global perspective.
The assessment schedule for this course is set out in stages to allow for the incremental development of core skills in the study of history. It is student-centred and involves a written essay about set primary and secondary readings, an oral presentation, and a final oral exam.

Core Documentation

All readings will be made available by the professor on Moodle. The Prof.’s lectures as well as class discussion will be based on those readings.

Reference Bibliography

All readings will be made available by the professor on Moodle. The Prof.’s lectures as well as class discussion will be based on those readings.

Type of delivery of the course

In person/tradizionale

Type of evaluation

1. Saggio/Paper (1500-2000 parole/words) (30%) 2. Presentazione di una outline di ricerca (10-15 minuti) con powerpoint / research outline presentation (10-15 mins) with a ppt (25%) 3. Esame finale / final exam (30%) 4. Partecipazione in classe o da remoto (Teams) / class participation (also through Teams) (15%)

teacher profile | teaching materials


Syllabus TBA

Course Content

Presented within the frame of Religion and Society in Global Perspective, this course explores social, historical, and religious change focusing on western Europe in its relationship with the world. Particular attention will be paid to the Renaissance, Religious Reforms, and the Age of Discovery, starting with the late antique and medieval premises for religious and cultural change, and exploring the transformation of religious/magical beliefs and doctrines, systems of power, identity formation and forms of dissent.
The course introduces students to the foundational themes, methods and skills necessary for the study of upper-level religious and cultural history. With a particular focus on the study of primary sources, it enables students to explore for themselves the characteristics of early modern European religious history in global perspective.
The assessment schedule for this course is set out in stages to allow for the incremental development of core skills in the study of history. It is student-centred and involves a written essay about set primary and secondary readings, an oral presentation, and a final oral exam.

Core Documentation

All readings will be made available by the professor on Moodle. The Prof.’s lectures as well as class discussion will be based on those readings.

Reference Bibliography

All readings will be made available by the professor on Moodle. The Prof.’s lectures as well as class discussion will be based on those readings.

Type of delivery of the course

In person/tradizionale

Type of evaluation

1. Saggio/Paper (1500-2000 parole/words) (30%) 2. Presentazione di una outline di ricerca (10-15 minuti) con powerpoint / research outline presentation (10-15 mins) with a ppt (25%) 3. Esame finale / final exam (30%) 4. Partecipazione in classe o da remoto (Teams) / class participation (also through Teams) (15%)