Contemporary Italian literature LM
The student, already able to master the diachronic framework of contemporary literature, through the deepening of authors, moments and themes of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, will have to master the non-unique methodological tools of textual analysis, such as to allow a solid specialized background of critical knowledge in several fields of investigation: historical, philological, linguistic, structural, metric-stylistic, rhetorical.


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During the course, structured in seminar format, the Novelle per un anno by Luigi Pirandello will be addressed.

Core Documentation

1. Luigi Pirandello, Novelle per un anno, edition directed by Simona Costa, 4 vols., Mondadori Oscar Moderni, Milan 2021-2023.
2. Marcello Sabbatino, L'occhio del mondo. Il matrimonio nelle novelle di Pirandello, il Mulino, Bologna 2023.

Attending students: text 1; non-attending students: text 1 and text 2.

Reference Bibliography

Knowledge of Pirandello's other works is desirable.

Type of delivery of the course

Dialogued lectures, seminar presentations by students.


Attendance is strongly recommended, but optional.

Type of evaluation

For students attending the seminar: seminar presentation and writing of a short written text, followed by an interview in which the knowledge of the contents, the ability to revise the notions, the clarity and propriety of the presentation will be tested. Non-attending students: oral examination (same assessment criteria).

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Pirandello and European Literature (M-Z):
The aim of the course is to explore, in an interdisciplinary perspective, the relationship between Ungaretti and the European literature. The analysis of his intellectual function, will be done on the poetry but also on literary criticism, essays, teaching activities, correspondence and collaborations with magazines and newspapers.The course will have a seminary structure and the lessons will be organized so as to facilitate the discussion.

Core Documentation

Exam books:

L. Pirandello, Novelle per un anno, vol. 1, Scialle nero, a cura di M. Venturini, Mondadori, Oscar Moderni, 2021 (o, in alternativa, una raccolta di uno dei seguenti volumi: 1, 2, 3 o 4).

Pirandello, a cura di B. Alfonzetti e V. Gallo, Carocci, 2023.


ANDREOLI A. (2022), Cose dell'altro mondo. Pirandello e Dante, Salerno, Roma.
EAD. (2020), Diventare Pirandello. L'uomo e la maschera, Mondadori, Milano.

CÀLLARI F. (1991), Pirandello e il cinema, Marsilio, Venezia.

GANERI M. (2001), Pirandello romanziere, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli.

GENOVESE N. e GESÙ S., a cura di (1990), La musa inquietante di Pirandello: il Cinema, Bonanno, Catania.

SAVIO D. (2013), Il carnevale dei morti. Sconciature e danze macabre nella narrativa di Luigi Pirandello, Interlinea, Novara.

PUPINO A. R. (2008), Pirandello o l’arte della dissonanza, Salerno, Roma.

SICHERA A. (2005), Ecce Homo! Nomi, cifre e figure di Pirandello, Olschki, Firenze.

Complete edition: L. Pirandello, Novelle per un anno, vol. I, a cura di F. Tomassini e M. Venturini, introduzione di S. Costa, Mondadori, Milano, 2023

Reference Bibliography

Exam book: L. Pirandello, Novelle per un anno, vol. 1, Scialle nero, a cura di M. Venturini, Mondadori, Oscar Moderni, 2021 (o, in alternativa, una raccolta di uno dei seguenti volumi: 1, 2, 3 o 4). Bibliography: ANDREOLI A. (2022), Cose dell'altro mondo. Pirandello e Dante, Salerno, Roma. EAD. (2020), Diventare Pirandello. L'uomo e la maschera, Mondadori, Milano. CÀLLARI F. (1991), Pirandello e il cinema, Marsilio, Venezia. GANERI M. (2001), Pirandello romanziere, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli. GENOVESE N. e GESÙ S., a cura di (1990), La musa inquietante di Pirandello: il Cinema, Bonanno, Catania. SAVIO D. (2013), Il carnevale dei morti. Sconciature e danze macabre nella narrativa di Luigi Pirandello, Interlinea, Novara. PUPINO A. R. (2008), Pirandello o l’arte della dissonanza, Salerno, Roma. SICHERA A. (2005), Ecce Homo! Nomi, cifre e figure di Pirandello, Olschki, Firenze. Complete edition: L. Pirandello, Novelle per un anno, vol. I, a cura di F. Tomassini e M. Venturini, introduzione di S. Costa, Mondadori, Milano, 2023

Type of delivery of the course

The course includes the presentation of texts commented by the students. The exam will be oral.The course requires a written work. This draft must be delivered fifteen days before the oral exam.


Attendance to the course is not obligatory, but is strongly recommended.

Type of evaluation

Attending students will have to prepare the exam paper, two critical essay of their choice, a work of Pirandello to be analyzed and the exam books. The oral examination will be focused on the written work, on the texts analysed during the course and on the critical essays. Students who do not attend have to read 3 critical essays in addition. Erasmus students have to prepare a critical essay and two works to be analyzed. The oral examination will be focused on the written test, on the texts analysed during the course and on the critical essays.