20710428 - teaching italian language LM

Italian language didactics
The student will acquire specialized skills in the field of studies on the Italian language and the dialects spoken in Italy, with reference to their history, phonetic, phonological, morphological, syntactic and lexical studies, the evolution of such systems, social uses and geolinguistic structures, literary language and its formal structures (including metrics), historical and synchronic lexicography and grammar, as well as problems and methodologies of language teaching Italians and foreigners and linguistic and computer analysis of texts and corpora.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the syntax of contemporary Italian, with particular reference to the complex sentence and its constituent parts. Through the observation of the functioning of the structures of Italian, students will acquire full awareness of syntactic mechanisms, improve their grammatical and linguistic knowledge and identify the most appropriate methodologies for the treatment of the sentence in L1 and L2 teaching. The second part is dedicated to the analysis of textbooks and educational tools for Italian as L2, also from a diachronic point of view: genres, characters, critical aspects and recurrent themes of textbooks intended for L2 learners will therefore be examined, also in order to assess the aspects of some use for the teaching of L1 (and vice versa).

Core Documentation

De Roberto, Elisa, La sintassi della frase complessa, Bologna, il Mulino, 2023.

Reference Bibliography

De Santis, Cristiana, La sintassi della frase semplice, il Mulino, 2021.

Type of delivery of the course

In presence.


Attending students are those who have attended at least 2/3 of the lectures.

Type of evaluation

During the examination, students will have to demonstrate that they have acquired knowledge of the problems and critical aspects of the teaching of Italian and that they are able to apply the necessary skills to the design of Italian teaching programmes.