Carry out research and products for a social atlas of the city of Rome


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Fruizione: 20706084-2 GEOGRAFIA. SOCIALE in Storia e società LM-84 CERRETI CLAUDIO


Programme of the module 1 (6 CFU/ECTS: for all)

Basic definitions, especially with special reference to the concepts of space and territory, the processes of territorialization and its effects, the basis of the concept of limit/boundary and its applications. Main disciplinary and transdisciplinary methods of investigation used in geographical research.

Core Documentation

Testi per il modulo 1 (6 CFU)

1) - M. d'ERAMO, Dominio. L guerra invisibile dei potenti contro i sudditi, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2020.

2) - Interstizi e novità: oltre il Mainstream. Esplorazioni di geografia sociale, FASCICOLO DI "Geography Notebooks", 2021, 2 (https://www.ledonline.it/index.php/Geography-Notebooks/issue/view/147)

Type of delivery of the course

Mode: Traditional Frequency: Optional Assessment: written test. Attending students are required to carry out written and oral tests during the course and practical activities

Type of evaluation

Mode: Traditional Frequency: Optional Assessment: written test. Attending students are required to carry out written and oral tests during the course and practical activities

teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 20706084-2 GEOGRAFIA. SOCIALE in Storia e società LM-84 CERRETI CLAUDIO


Programme of the module 1 (6 CFU/ECTS: for all)

Basic definitions, especially with special reference to the concepts of space and territory, the processes of territorialization and its effects, the basis of the concept of limit/boundary and its applications. Main disciplinary and transdisciplinary methods of investigation used in geographical research.

Core Documentation

Testi per il modulo 1 (6 CFU)

1) - M. d'ERAMO, Dominio. L guerra invisibile dei potenti contro i sudditi, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2020.

2) - Interstizi e novità: oltre il Mainstream. Esplorazioni di geografia sociale, FASCICOLO DI "Geography Notebooks", 2021, 2 (https://www.ledonline.it/index.php/Geography-Notebooks/issue/view/147)

Type of delivery of the course

Mode: Traditional Frequency: Optional Assessment: written test. Attending students are required to carry out written and oral tests during the course and practical activities

Type of evaluation

Mode: Traditional Frequency: Optional Assessment: written test. Attending students are required to carry out written and oral tests during the course and practical activities