20711269-1 - form 1

teacher profile | teaching materials


After briefly introducing, also form an historical perspective, the most important notions in anthropology knowledge and ethnographic methodology, the course will focus on the nature/culture relationship, examining some of the most important essays in the anthropological literature, including some of the most important texts on Amerindian perspectivism. Lessons will then focus on the meanings of a dichotomic representation of nature and culture, looking in particular to the notions of race, sex, gender relations, sexuality, reproduction, always in reference to specific ethnographic evidences and currents events. The cultural character of the dual opposition of nature and culture will be discussed in reference to the idea of “human nature” and naturalization processes in contexts of social and economic inequalities.

Core Documentation

Monder Kilani, L’invenzione dell’Altro. Saggi sul discorso antropologico, Parte prima (Capitoli 1, 2, 3, ,4, 5) e della Seconda parte il capitolo 11.

And a text chosen from the following:

- Paola Tabet, 2014, Le dita tagliate, Ediesse;
- Michael T. Taussig, 2017, Il diavolo e il feticismo della merce, Derive Approdi;
- Colette Guillaumin, 2020, Sesso, Razza e Pratica del Potere. L’idea di Natura, Ombre Corte, le seguenti parti: “Pratica del potere”, “Razza e natura. Sistemi di marchi, idea di gruppi naturali”, “’Lo so, ma…’ o gli avatar della nozione di razza”;
- Anna Tsing Lowenhaupt, 2021, Il fungo alla fine del mondo. La possibilità di vivere nelle rovine del capitalismo, Keller;
- Francesco Bisogno, Flora Ronzon (a cura di), 2007, Altri generi. Inversioni e variazioni di genere tra culture, Il dito e la luna (volume messo a disposizione dalla docente).

For those attending, it is possible to replace the text of your choice with the following essays (which the teacher will make available to the students during the course). Attending students are invited to present and discuss collegially in class one essay chosen with the teacher.

Dispensa Natura/cultura
* Claude Lévi-Strauss, 1984, "Natura e Cultura", in Le strutture elementari della parentela, Feltrinelli, pp. 39-50;
* Mila Busoni, “Sesso biologico e genere sociale?”, da p. 41 a p. 48 e da p. 56 a p. 58;
* Paola Tabet, “Lo sfruttamento della riproduzione”, in Non si nasce donna. Percorsi, testi e contesti del femminismo materialista in Francia, a cura di Sara Garbagnoli e Vincenza Perilli, Alegre, pp.121-142;
* Eduardo Kohn, 2019, “Come sognano i cani: le nature amazzoniche e la politica dell’interazione tra specie”, in Metamorfosi. La svolta ontologica in antropologia, a cura di Roberto Brigati e Valentina Gamberi, Quodlibet, pp.145-190;
* Philippe Descola, 2021, “Figure di continuità”, in Oltre natura e cultura, Raffaello Cortina, pp. 13-44.

Students not attending classes will also study Francesco Remotti, Contro Natura. Laterza, 2008, from p.11 to p. 26, and from p. 86 to p.191 (chapters 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11).

Type of delivery of the course

The course is thought in Italian, is based on lectures and will be in presence. Students will be encouraged to participate, drawing connections between key concepts. Student’s involvement is particularly welcome through critical remarks and comments, starting from specific case studies and the literature. In order to involve students frontal teaching and collegial discussions will alternate. Articles and essays to read and comment together will be shared during classes. Students' participation will be evaluated for the grade of the final exam.

Type of evaluation

Exams will test general knowledge about the main topics presented during the course, and the theoretical tools acquired reading course books.