Knowledge of the history of medieval art and the history of Byzantine art (IV-XIV centuries), of themes and specific problems of the discipline; ability to analyze and read works of art and their context; ability to analyze the written and graphic sources; acquisition of methodological skills that enable independent study and research; ability to apply the acquired knowledge in order to develop and expose logical and coherent arguments; ability to communicate information and ideas to specialists and non-specialists.


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Lombard Southern Italy. Power and Society, in the Tenth-Eleventh Centuries (part two).
The course aims to analyze, with direct use of sources and historiography, the relationships between princely powers and society in the Lombard Southern Italy: princes and aristocracy, economic bases of princely power, relations between city and territory.

Core Documentation

V. Loré, Sulle istituzioni nel Mezzogiorno longobardo. Proposta di un modello, in "Storica", 29 (2004), pp. 27-55; V. Loré , Beni principeschi e partecipazione al potere nel Mezzogiorno longobardo, in Italia, 888-962: una svolta?, eds. M. Valenti, C. Wickham, Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, pp. 15-40; A. Di Muro, Le contee longobarde e l'origine delle signorie territoriali nel Mezzogiorno, in "Archivio Storico per le province napoletane", 128 (2010), pp. 1-70; V. Loré, L'aristocrazia salernitana nell'XI secolo, in Salerno nel XII secolo. Istituzioni, società, cultura, eds. P. Delogu, P. Peduto, Salerno, 2004, pp. 81-102; V. Loré, Limiti di una tradizione documentaria. I conti, le chiese, la città (Salerno, IX-XI secolo), in "Quaderni storici", 52/1, 2017, pp. 209-234; selected sources, analyzed during the lessons. All students, attending or not, are required to agree with the teacher some other readings, from the reference bibliography or elsewhere.

Reference Bibliography

P. Delogu, Mito di una città meridionale (Salerno, sec. VIII-XI), Naples, Liguori, 1977. A. Di Muro, Economia e mercato nel Mezzogiorno longobardo (secc. VIII-XI), Salerno, Laveglia-Carlone, 2009. V. Loré, Limiti di una tradizione documentaria. I conti, le chiese, la città (Salerno, IX-XI secolo), in "Quaderni Storici", 52/1, pp. 209-234. H. Taviani-Carozzi, La principauté lombarde de Salerne (IXe-XIe). Pouvoir et societé en Italie lombarde méridionale, Rome, Ecole Française de Rome, 1991. A. Thomas, Jeux Lombards: alliances, parenté et politique en Italie méridionale de la fin du VIIIe siècle à la conquête normande, Rome, Ecole Française de Rome, 2016.

Type of delivery of the course

Frontal lessons, face-to-face or remotely according to the provisions covid-19, with participatory analysis of historiographic documents and texts.

Type of evaluation

Oral test. Exam Questions will judge the Knowledge of Course main Themes and asses the Competences in matter of Contextualization of Sources and Historiography. There will be students reports (written or oral), valid as an examination part.