
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20711230 COOPERAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE LM in Strategie culturali per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo LM-81 CARAVANI MATTEO


This course will introduce students to the main schools of thought on development, explaining the origins and meanings of development over time. The course problematizes the impact of colonialism and global capitalism as key issues related to poverty and economic growth (or its lack) in countries of the Global South. The course offers a critical perspective on the various and diverse "solutions" adopted by governmental and non-governmental institutions to overcome poverty and humanitarian crises.

Core Documentation

For those who don't attend classes

Key readings:
1. Franco Volpi, Introduzione all'Economia dello Sviluppo


1. W. Sachs, The Development Dictionary

Two books between:

2. R. Patel, Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System

3. Franz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth

4. James Ferguson, The Anti-Politics Machine

5. Joseph Stiglitz, Globalization and its Opponents

6. James Scott Seeing Like a State

7. Tania Li The Will to Improve


The course is characterized by its highly interactive approach, enriched with concrete examples drawn from countries of the Global South, especially from the African continent. The program includes a combination of lectures, discussion seminars, and student presentations. For non-attending students, the educational material includes a development manual in Italian, plus two books chosen from the proposed list.

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20711230 COOPERAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE LM in Strategie culturali per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo LM-81 CARAVANI MATTEO


This course will introduce students to the main schools of thought on development, explaining the origins and meanings of development over time. The course problematizes the impact of colonialism and global capitalism as key issues related to poverty and economic growth (or its lack) in countries of the Global South. The course offers a critical perspective on the various and diverse "solutions" adopted by governmental and non-governmental institutions to overcome poverty and humanitarian crises.

Core Documentation

For those who don't attend classes

Key readings:
1. Franco Volpi, Introduzione all'Economia dello Sviluppo


1. W. Sachs, The Development Dictionary

Two books between:

2. R. Patel, Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System

3. Franz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth

4. James Ferguson, The Anti-Politics Machine

5. Joseph Stiglitz, Globalization and its Opponents

6. James Scott Seeing Like a State

7. Tania Li The Will to Improve


The course is characterized by its highly interactive approach, enriched with concrete examples drawn from countries of the Global South, especially from the African continent. The program includes a combination of lectures, discussion seminars, and student presentations. For non-attending students, the educational material includes a development manual in Italian, plus two books chosen from the proposed list.