The aim of the course is to allow students to acquire specific knowledge in reference to the different role played by archives from the ancient to the contemporary worlds, and the use made of them as the political, legal, social and cultural contexts in which the texts were produced has changed. Specifically, particular attention will be paid to the way in which the forms and structure of the archives have changed over time and how the methods of their conservation and transmission have evolved. Attention will also focus on the change in the character of the bodies charged with their custody and the role attributed to them within the apparatus of power as well as, more generally, the society of which they were an expression.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The course examines, from a diachronic perspective, the methods of production, conservation and transmission of archives; the functions and competences attributed to archivists within the political, juridical, social and cultural contexts of which they were an expression; the relationship between the history of archives and the history of institutions. There will also be seminars at city archival institutes and the intervention of experts in the sector.

Core Documentation

- E. LODOLINI, Storia dell'archivistica italiana: dal mondo antico alla metà del secolo XX, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2013, excluding chapters 1-3.
- Introduzione allo studio dell'archivistica, a cura di Stefano Twardzik, Milano, Biblion edizioni, 2023, chapters 2, 3.
- F. VALENTI, Nozioni di base per un’archivistica come euristica delle fonti documentarie, in IDEM, Scritti e lezioni di archivistica, diplomatica e storia istituzionale, a cura di Daniela Grana, Roma, Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali – UCBA, 2000, p. 135-224 (digitized www.archivi.beniculturali.it/dga/uploads/documents/Saggi/Saggi_57.pdf) 1-3.


Attending lessons is recommended.

Type of evaluation

Expected knowledge and skills will be verified through an oral interview with questions, which may also include the discussion of specific case experiences. The preparation will be considered adequate (with a mark expressed in thirtieths), if students make an adequate presentation of the topics covered during the course, using appropriate terminology, demonstrating that he has been able to critically elaborate the different topics examined.