Roma Tre University has signed a Total Academy Headcount (TAH) agreement for using MATLAB and Simulink and further 48 modules for educational and research purposes. These software and modules are available for students, researchers, professors, and administrative staff inside the following departments:
- Architettura
- Economia
- Economia Aziendale
- Filosofia, Comunicazione e Spettacolo
- Ingegneria
- Matematica e Fisica
- Scienze
- Scienze della Formazione
24th March Updates 2021
Present agreement is valid until 31st december 2020, and has been temporarily extended until 30th april 2021 pending a further three-year renewal.
Please do not contact through personal email, but instead open a support request on our helpdesk Link identifier #identifier__163039-1
Instructions for 2021 renewal
For those who have installed the software before march 2021 a manual renewal of the license could be requested.
In order to proceed you may:
- open MATLAB
- access “Help” menu and select “Licensing”
- click on “Activate software” and choose “Activate using Internet”
- once reactivated, restart MATLAB
Available services
The following services are available in our contract:
- Student option: software is available for students regularly registered and enrolled, if of any of the department listed above.
- Campus option: software is available for staff in every departments listed above for educational or research purposes, whereas any commercial use is forbidden.
- Concurrent option: software is available for departments’ laboratories.
Technical assistance
Our contract includes software updates, manuals, technical documentation from Mathworks, as well as technical support.
For any kind of technical assistance, please write to Link identifier
How to install the software
In order to use the Mathworks software included in our contract, it is necessary to:
- register in the Link identifier #identifier__169889-3MathWorkswebsite (select Enter, then Link identifier #identifier__45568-4Create Account)
- for teachers and staff: enter university email (e.g.; when asked for “How will you use MathWorks software”select “Teaching or Reasearch in school”
- for students: enter university email (e.g.; when asked for “How will you use MathWorks software” select “Student use”
- obtain an Activation KEY Link identifier #identifier__178534-5by clicking on this link and using university credentials(same used for “portale dello studente” or wi-fi – Note: consider using the prefix “studenti” when entering the username, meaning for instance “studenti\MAR.ROSSI” or “personale” for researchers or staff);
- enter with Mathworks personal account on Link identifier #identifier__113480-6MathWorks websiteand activate the license with the Activation KEY;
- download the software and go on with installation (during installation select option Login with a Mathworks account).
Useful resources
- Link identifier #identifier__138070-7MathWorks per accessing personal account and for support
- Link identifier #identifier__136713-8MathWorks Community
- Students
- Link identifier #identifier__174514-9TAH resources for students
- Link identifier #identifier__71799-10Quick access to license
- Teachers/Staff
- Link identifier #identifier__65926-11TAH resources
- Link identifier #identifier__45750-12Quick access to license
Updates from Mathworks
Platforms no more supported since march 2021:
- Debian 9: Support ends with R2021a
Platform that won’t be supported during 2021:
- macOS Mojave (10.14): Support is scheduled to end as of R2021b
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS: Support is scheduled to end as of R2021b
- Windows 7: Support is scheduled to end as of R2022a.
Link identifier #identifier__53542-13See complete list of compatibility with operating systems
Online courses
MathWorks offers numerous online courses on MATLAB e Simulink, some of them being available for staff and students.
Visit the following link for more information:
Link identifier #identifier__78737-14
Toolboxes included in the agreement
- Parallel Computing Toolbox
- MATLAB Distributed Computing Server
- Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
- Neural Network Toolbox
- Optimization Toolbox
- Global Optimization Toolbox
- Curve Fitting Toolbox
- Symbolic Math Toolbox
- Partial Differential Equation Toolbox
- Control System Toolbox
- System Identification Toolbox
- Fuzzy Logic Toolbox
- Robust Control Toolbox
- Model Predictive Control Toolbox
- Robotics System Toolbox
- Signal Processing Toolbox
- DSP System Toolbox
- Wavelet Toolbox
- RF Toolbox
- Antenna Toolbox
- Image Processing Toolbox
- Computer Vision System Toolbox
- Image Acquisition Toolbox
- Mapping Toolbox
- Data Acquisition Toolbox
- Instrument Control Toolbox
- Financial Toolbox
- Econometrics Toolbox
- Datafeed Toolbox
- Database Toolbox
- Financial Instruments Toolbox
- Trading Toolbox
- Risk Management Toolbox
- Bioinformatics Toolbox
- SimBiology
- MATLAB Coder
- MATLAB Compiler
- MATLAB Compiler SDK
- MATLAB Report Generator
- Stateflow
- Simscape
- Simscape Multibody (SimMechanics)
- Simscape Electronics
- Simscape Power Systems
- Simulink Control Design
- Simulink Design Optimization
- Aerospace Toolbox
- Simulink Coder