Qualifica | Personale tecnico, amministrativo e bibliotecario |
Telefono | 0657332492 |
Cellulare aziendale | 82200 |
emanuele.delietovollaro@uniroma3.it | |
Indirizzo | ---- -- |
Struttura/Afferenza |
Altre informazioni | Curriculum |
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Contributo in Rivista
- Harnessing Stadium Roofs for Community Electrical Power: A Case Study of Rome’s Olympic Stadium, BARBARO, LEONE MARIA; BATTISTA, GABRIELE; DE LIETO VOLLARO, EMANUELE; DE LIETO VOLLARO, ROBERTO, , 2024Link identifier #identifier_person_34057-1 Dettaglio
- School Roofs: Hubs of New Renewable Energy Communities, BARBARO, LEONE MARIA; BATTISTA, GABRIELE; DE LIETO VOLLARO, EMANUELE; SAPIA, CARMINE; DE LIETO VOLLARO, ROBERTO, , 2024Link identifier #identifier_person_8191-2 Dettaglio
- Convergence criteria analysis for thermal conductance measurements of building walls: A case study, EVANGELISTI, LUCA; GUATTARI, MARIA CLAUDIA; DE LIETO VOLLARO, EMANUELE; ASDRUBALI, FRANCESCO, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_79212-3 Dettaglio
- Corrigendum to “Effects of urban heat island mitigation strategies in an urban square: A numerical modelling and experimental investigation” [Energy Build. 282 (2023) 112809] (Energy & Buildings (2023) 282, (S0378778823000397), (10.1016/j.enbuild.2023.112809)), BATTISTA, GABRIELE; DE LIETO VOLLARO, EMANUELE; DE LIETO VOLLARO, ROBERTO, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_56643-4 Dettaglio
- Effects of urban heat island mitigation strategies in an urban square: A numerical modelling and experimental investigation, BATTISTA, GABRIELE; DE LIETO VOLLARO, EMANUELE; DE LIETO VOLLARO, ROBERTO, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_69874-5 Dettaglio
- Technical–Financial Feasibility Study of a Micro-Cogeneration System in the Buildings in Italy, BATTISTA, GABRIELE; DE LIETO VOLLARO, EMANUELE; DE LIETO VOLLARO, ROBERTO, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_41271-6 Dettaglio
- Retrofit Analysis of a Historical Building in an Architectural Constrained Area: A Case Study in Rome, Italy, BATTISTA, GABRIELE; DE LIETO VOLLARO, EMANUELE; DE LIETO VOLLARO, ROBERTO, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_64052-7 Dettaglio
- Urban Overheating Mitigation Strategies Opportunities: A Case Study of a Square in Rome (Italy), BATTISTA, GABRIELE; DE LIETO VOLLARO, EMANUELE; EVANGELISTI, LUCA; DE LIETO VOLLARO, ROBERTO, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_144590-8 Dettaglio
- Analysis of the main anthropogenic sources’ contribution to pollutant emissions in the lazio region, italy, DE LIETO VOLLARO, EMANUELE; DE LIETO VOLLARO, ROBERTO; BATTISTA, GABRIELE, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_44886-9 Dettaglio
- Effect of mutual radiative exchange between the surfaces of a street canyon on the building thermal energy demand, BATTISTA, GABRIELE; DE LIETO VOLLARO, EMANUELE; VALLATI, ANGELO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_163574-10 Dettaglio
- Experimental investigation about the adoption of high reflectance materials on the envelope cladding on a scaled street canyon, VALLATI, ANGELO; DE LIETO VOLLARO, EMANUELE; BATTISTA, GABRIELE, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_179526-11 Dettaglio
- How Cool Pavements and Green Roof Affect Building Energy Performances, BATTISTA, GABRIELE; DE LIETO VOLLARO, EMANUELE; DE LIETO VOLLARO, ROBERTO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_80994-12 Dettaglio
- Urban Overheating Impact: A Case Study on Building Energy Performance, BATTISTA, GABRIELE; RONCONE, MARTA; DE LIETO VOLLARO, EMANUELE, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_184286-13 Dettaglio
- Urban heat island mitigation strategies: Experimental and numerical analysis of a university campus in Rome (Italy), BATTISTA, GABRIELE; EVANGELISTI, LUCA; GUATTARI, MARIA CLAUDIA; DE LIETO VOLLARO, EMANUELE; DE LIETO VOLLARO, ROBERTO; ASDRUBALI, FRANCESCO, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_166606-14 Dettaglio
- Influence of lighting colour temperature on indoor thermal perception: A strategy to save energy from the HVAC installations, DE LIETO VOLLARO, EMANUELE, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_104321-15 Dettaglio
- Complying with the demand of standardization in outdoor thermal comfort: a first approach to the Global Outdoor Comfort Index (GOCI), DE LIETO VOLLARO, EMANUELE, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_49391-16 Dettaglio
- On the necessities to analyse the thermohygrometric perception in aged people. A review about indoor thermal comfort, health and energetic aspects and a perspective for future studies, DE LIETO VOLLARO, EMANUELE, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_147210-17 Dettaglio
- Retroreflective materials for building's façades: Experimental characterization and numerical simulations, MAURI, LUCA; BATTISTA, GABRIELE; DE LIETO VOLLARO, EMANUELE; DE LIETO VOLLARO, ROBERTO, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_171943-18 Dettaglio
- The degradation of ammonia in absorption thermal machines, DE LIETO VOLLARO, EMANUELE, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_134230-19 Dettaglio
- Application of absorption systems powered by solar ponds in warm climates for the air conditioning in residential buildings, , , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_114931-20 Dettaglio
- Management optimization of the luminous flux regulation of a lighting system in road tunnels. A first approach to the exertion of predictive control systems, DE LIETO VOLLARO, EMANUELE, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_129154-21 Dettaglio
- Parameters Affecting the Efficiency of a Heat Transformer with a Particular Focus on the Heat Solution, DE LIETO VOLLARO, EMANUELE, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_155352-22 Dettaglio
- Thermal perception in the mediterranean area: Comparing the mediterranean outdoor comfort index (moci) to other outdoor thermal comfort indices, , , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_90969-23 Dettaglio
- Case study on economic return on investments for safety and emergency lighting in road tunnels, DE LIETO VOLLARO, EMANUELE, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_11984-24 Dettaglio
- Energy optimization of road tunnel lighting systems, , , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_191361-25 Dettaglio
- Evaluation of different urban microclimate mitigation strategies through a PMV analysis, , , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_99809-26 Dettaglio
- Experimental analysis of thermal fields surrounding horizontal cylindrical geothermal exchangers, DE LIETO VOLLARO, EMANUELE, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_93272-27 Dettaglio
- Maintenance and energy optimization of lighting systems for the improvement of historic buildings: A case study, DE LIETO VOLLARO, EMANUELE, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_48102-28 Dettaglio
- Determination of Photometric Properties of Materials for Energy Purposes Through the Experimental Study of a Two-Axis Goniophotometer, DE LIETO VOLLARO, ROBERTO; CARNIELO, EMILIANO; BOTTA, FABIO; DE LIETO VOLLARO, EMANUELE, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_27078-29 Dettaglio
- Link identifier #identifier_person_49231-30Dettaglio
Contributo in volume e atti di convegno
- DE LIETO VOLLARO, ROBERTO; DE LIETO VOLLARO, EMANUELE, A New Model to Perform Preliminary Evaluations of Complex Systems for the Production of Energy for Buildings: Case Study, 2015 Link identifier #identifier_person_173404-31Dettaglio
- DE LIETO VOLLARO, EMANUELE; DE LIETO VOLLARO, ROBERTO, Assorbenti solidi e semisolidi in impianti termici elioassistiti, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_126307-32Dettaglio