Qualifica | Professore Ordinario |
Settore Scientifico Disciplinare | IINF-03/A |
Telefono | 0657337338 |
Cellulare aziendale | 87105 | | |
Indirizzo | Via Vito Volterra 62 - Ex Vasca Navale |
Struttura/Afferenza |
Cariche e responsabilità |
Altre informazioni | Sito web personale Curriculum |
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Contributo in Rivista
- A cross-cross-correlation based method for joint coregistration of rotated multitemporal synthetic aperture radar images, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2024Link identifier #identifier_person_103652-1 Dettaglio
- ECCM Strategies for Radar Systems against Smart Noise-like Jammers, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2024Link identifier #identifier_person_1739-2 Dettaglio
- EM-based Algorithm for Unsupervised Clustering of Measurements from a Radar Sensor Network, FISCANTE, NICOMINO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2024Link identifier #identifier_person_111677-3 Dettaglio
- Enhancements of River Water Level Monitoring Method Using COSMO-SkyMed SAR Images, FORLINGIERI, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2024Link identifier #identifier_person_96796-4 Dettaglio
- Classification Schemes for the Radar Reference Window: Design and Comparisons, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_26659-5 Dettaglio
- Classification Schemes for the Radar Reference Window: Design and Comparisons, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_120003-6 Dettaglio
- Detecting Sensor Failures in TDOA-Based Passive Radars: A Statistical Approach Based on Outlier Distribution, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_167610-7 Dettaglio
- Multiple Sub-Pixel Target Detection for Hyperspectral Imaging Systems, FISCANTE, NICOMINO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_187852-8 Dettaglio
- Robust Target Localization for Multistatic Passive Radar Networks, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_47998-9 Dettaglio
- Super-Resolution of Synthetic Aperture Radar Complex Data by Deep-Learning, FISCANTE, NICOMINO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_65449-10 Dettaglio
- Accurate Delay Estimation for Multisensor Passive Locating Systems Exploiting the Cross-Correlation Between Signals Cross-Correlations, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_195728-11 Dettaglio
- Detecting Sensor Failures in TDOA-based Passive Radars: A Statistical Approach based on Outlier Distribution, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_147080-12 Dettaglio
- Rectal cancer response to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy evaluated with MRI: Development and validation of a classification algorithm, LOSQUADRO, CHIARA; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_91800-13 Dettaglio
- SAR Coregistration by Robust Selection of Extended Targets and Iterative Outlier Cancellation, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_82262-14 Dettaglio
- Unsupervised Sparse Unmixing of Atmospheric Trace Gases From Hyperspectral Satellite Data, FISCANTE, NICOMINO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_166958-15 Dettaglio
- A performance-based tabular approach for joint systematic improvement of risk control and resilience applied to telecommunication grid, gas network, and ultrasound localization system, CARLI, MARCO; BATTISTI, FEDERICA; CELOZZI, PIA GRAZIA; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_33881-16 Dettaglio
- A Track-Before-Detect Strategy Based on Sparse Data Processing for Air Surveillance Radar Applications, FISCANTE, NICOMINO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_92804-17 Dettaglio
- Accurate Delay Estimation for Multi-Sensor Passive Locating Systems Exploiting the Cross-Correlation between Signals Cross-Correlations, PALLOTTA, LUCA; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_28167-18 Dettaglio
- Adaptive radar detection in the presence of multiple alternative hypotheses using kullback-leibler information criterion-part I: Detector designs, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_194104-19 Dettaglio
- Adaptive radar detection in the presence of multiple alternative hypotheses using kullback-leibler information criterion-part II: Applications, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_103316-20 Dettaglio
- Channel Classification Scheme Accounting for Nakagami-m Shadowing and FTR Model, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_179572-21 Dettaglio
- Cognitive Satellite Communications Spectrum Sensing based on Higher Order Moments, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; PALLOTTA, LUCA, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_36335-22 Dettaglio
- DOA Refinement through Complex Parabolic Interpolation of a Sparse Recovered Signal, PALLOTTA, LUCA; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_112717-23 Dettaglio
- Phase-Only Space-Time Adaptive Processing, PALLOTTA, LUCA; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_78654-24 Dettaglio
- SAR Coregistration by Robust Selection of Extended Targets and Iterative Outlier Cancellation, PALLOTTA, LUCA; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_144643-25 Dettaglio
- SAR Image Registration in the Presence of Rotation and Translation: A Constrained Least Squares Approach, PALLOTTA, LUCA; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_11535-26 Dettaglio
- A Sparse Learning Approach to the Design of Radar Tunable Architectures With Enhanced Selectivity Properties, PALLOTTA, LUCA; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_161177-27 Dettaglio
- Parameter Estimation of Fluctuating Two-Ray Model for Next Generation Mobile Communications, PALLOTTA, LUCA; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_185809-28 Dettaglio
- Subpixel SAR Image Registration through Parabolic Interpolation of the 2-D Cross Correlation, PALLOTTA, LUCA; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_175636-29 Dettaglio
- Automated segmentation of colorectal tumor in 3D MRI Using 3D multiscale densely connected convolutional neural network, SOOMRO, MUMTAZ HUSSAIN; COPPOTELLI, MATTEO; CONFORTO, SILVIA; SCHMID, MAURIZIO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_29304-30 Dettaglio
- A novel PU Sensing Algorithm for Constant Energy Signals, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_110562-31 Dettaglio
- A Theoretical Analysis of Asymptotical Performance of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in the Presence of Malicious Users, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_118877-32 Dettaglio
- A theoretical note on the generalized ML optimality of constant modulus equalizers, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_199061-33 Dettaglio
- Comparison of initialization techniques for the accurate extraction of muscle synergies from myoelectric signals via nonnegative matrix factorization, SOOMRO, MUMTAZ HUSSAIN; CONFORTO, SILVIA; GIUNTA, GAETANO; RANALDI, SIMONE; DE MARCHIS, CRISTIANO, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_179185-34 Dettaglio
- Estimation of Rician K-Factor in the Presence of Nakagami-m Shadowing for the LoS Component, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_54401-35 Dettaglio
- Haralickâs texture features for the prediction of response to therapy in colorectal cancer: a preliminary study, SOOMRO, MUMTAZ HUSSAIN; GIUNTA, GAETANO; CONFORTO, SILVIA; SCHMID, MAURIZIO, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_156651-36 Dettaglio
- Adaptive Detection of Point-Like Targets in Partially Homogeneous Clutter with Symmetric Spectrum, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_181625-37 Dettaglio
- Knowledge-aided adaptive detection in partially homogeneous clutter: Joint exploitation of persymmetry and symmetric spectrum, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_3799-38 Dettaglio
- A computational method for predicting the entropy of energy market time series, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; MASTROENI, LORETTA CLARA LETIZIA, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_41220-39 Dettaglio
- A spectrum sensing algorithm for constant modulus primary users signals, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_174022-40 Dettaglio
- Knowledge-based adaptive detection: Joint exploitation of clutter and system symmetry properties, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_1709-41 Dettaglio
- On the predictability of energy commodity markets by an entropy-based computational method, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; MASTROENI, LORETTA CLARA LETIZIA, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_23317-42 Dettaglio
- A Maximum Entropy Method to Assess the Predictability ofFinancial and Commodity Markets, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; MASTROENI, LORETTA CLARA LETIZIA, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_158881-43 Dettaglio
- A Maximum Entropy Method to Assess the Predictability ofFinancial and Commodity Markets, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; MASTROENI, LORETTA CLARA LETIZIA, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_108023-44 Dettaglio
- A Novel "single-Path" vs. "few-Path" Test Based on Higher Order Statistics to Possibly Start-Up Coherent Combining, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; GUZZON, ELENA, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_132851-45 Dettaglio
- Applying telecommunications methodology to road safety for rear-end collision avoidance, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; CALVI, ALESSANDRO; D'AMICO, FABRIZIO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_50777-46 Dettaglio
- A novel “single-path” vs. “few-path” test based on higher order statistics to possibly start-up coherent combining, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; GUZZON, ELENA, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_104638-47 Dettaglio
- Effective Monitoring of Freeloading User in the Presence of Active User in Cognitive Radio Networks, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; GUZZON, ELENA, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_72682-48 Dettaglio
- A Fast Unambiguous Acquisition Algorithm for BOC-Modulated Signals, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_120198-49 Dettaglio
- A New Test for Initial Code Acquisition of Correlated Cells, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_168588-50 Dettaglio
- A Review of Recent Patents for Quality Assessment of Multimedia Communications by Digital Watermarking, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_77970-51 Dettaglio
- A Survey of Recent Patents on Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radios, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_115997-52 Dettaglio
- A survey of recent patents on spectrum sensing for cognitive radios, GUZZON, ELENA; BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_126719-53 Dettaglio
- Detecting Approaching sources in Infrastructure-Less Vehicular Communications by a Simple Signal Processing Method, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_70416-54 Dettaglio
- Initial Code Acquisition in LTE Systems, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_34132-55 Dettaglio
- Recent patents in spread spectrum systems, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_3983-56 Dettaglio
- Empirical Case Study of Binary Options Trading: an Interdisciplinary Application of Telecommunications Methodology to Financial Economics, GIUNTA, GAETANO; BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_59974-57 Dettaglio
- Performance Analysis of Tracing Watermarking in the YST Domain for 3G Video-on-Demand Applications, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; TEDESCHI, ANTONIO, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_82621-58 Dettaglio
- Phase image processing for Dixon fat/water separation in low field MRI, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_38098-59 Dettaglio
- Security Improvement of a Transformed-Key Asymmetric Watermarking System, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_53834-60 Dettaglio
- A Fast Time-Delay Estimator of PN Signals, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2011Link identifier #identifier_person_172472-61 Dettaglio
- A Unified Approach for Time Delay Estimation in Spread Spectrum Communications, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2011Link identifier #identifier_person_22999-62 Dettaglio
- A Unified Approach for Time Delay Estimators in Spread Spectrum Communications, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2011Link identifier #identifier_person_190922-63 Dettaglio
- Loss Tolerant Video Streaming Authentication in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2011Link identifier #identifier_person_108498-64 Dettaglio
- Robust and Efficient Authentication of Video Stream Broadcasting, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2011Link identifier #identifier_person_160593-65 Dettaglio
- Dynamic QoS Evaluation of Multimedia Contents in Wireless Networks by “Double-Boomerang” Watermarking, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2010Link identifier #identifier_person_84984-66 Dettaglio
- Dynamic QoS Evaluation of Multimedia Contents in Wireless Networks by Double-Boomerang Watermarking, Special Issue on "QoS in Wired and Wireless IP Networks"; Future Internet ISSN 1999-5903, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2010Link identifier #identifier_person_177681-67 Dettaglio
- On Efficient Code Acquisition of Optical Orthogonal Codes in Optical CDMA Systems, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2010Link identifier #identifier_person_139159-68 Dettaglio
- On Efficient Code Acquisition of Optical Orthogonal Codes in Optical CDMA Systems, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2010Link identifier #identifier_person_176332-69 Dettaglio
- A Bayesian Business Model for Video-Call Billing for End-to-End QoS Provision, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_116880-70 Dettaglio
- A Bayesian Business Model for Video-Call Billing for End-to-End QoS Provision, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_82827-71 Dettaglio
- A Bayesian Business Model for Video-Call Billing for End-to-End QoS Provision, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_136811-72 Dettaglio
- A Self-Synchronizing Method for Asynchronous Code Acquisition in Band-Limited Spread Spectrum Communications, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_140874-73 Dettaglio
- A Self-Synchronizing Method for Asynchronous Code Acquisition in Band-Limited Spread Spectrum Communications, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_197256-74 Dettaglio
- Audio Watermarking of MP3 Music Signals for Quality Assessment in Multimedia Communications, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_151524-75 Dettaglio
- Audio Watermerking of MP3 Music Signals for Quality Assessment in Multimedia Communication, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_89861-76 Dettaglio
- Fractional Sampling Improves Performance of UMTS Code Acquisition, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_187483-77 Dettaglio
- Fractional Sampling Improves Performance of UMTS Code Acquisition, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_16608-78 Dettaglio
- Two-Dwell Synchronization Techniques and Mimo Systems for Performance Improvements of 3G Mobile Communications, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_91128-79 Dettaglio
- Two-Dwell Synchronization Techniques and Mimo Systems for Performance Improvements of 3G Mobile Communications, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_70613-80 Dettaglio
- A Blind Equalization Algorithm Based on Minimization of Normalized Variance for DS/CDMA Communications, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2008Link identifier #identifier_person_190316-81 Dettaglio
- A Blind Equalization Algorithm Based on Minimization of Normalized Variance for DS/CDMA Communications, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2008Link identifier #identifier_person_137395-82 Dettaglio
- All-Pass Pre-Filtering in Pre-Post-Rake Schemes for Spread-Spectrum Communications, GIUNTA, GAETANO; BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO, , 2007Link identifier #identifier_person_64304-83 Dettaglio
- All-pass prefiltering in pre-post-rake schemes for spread-spectrum communications, GIUNTA, GAETANO; BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO, , 2007Link identifier #identifier_person_153601-84 Dettaglio
- QoS assessment of 3G video-phone calls by tracing watermaking exploiting the new colour space 'YST', BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, , 2007Link identifier #identifier_person_78467-85 Dettaglio
- QoS Assessment of 3G Video-Phone Calls by Tracing Watermarking Exploiting the New Colour Space YST, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, , 2007Link identifier #identifier_person_156108-86 Dettaglio
- QoS Assessment of 3G Video-Phone Calls by Tracing Watermarking Exploiting the New Colour Space YST, BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, , 2007Link identifier #identifier_person_181131-87 Dettaglio
- Spread-Spectrum Code Acquisition in the Presence of Cell Correlation, GIUNTA, GAETANO; BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO, , 2007Link identifier #identifier_person_19373-88 Dettaglio
- Spread-spectrum code acquisition in the presence of cell correlation, GIUNTA, GAETANO; BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO, , 2007Link identifier #identifier_person_74798-89 Dettaglio
- Improving Pre-Post Rake Schemes for DS/CDMA Mobile Communications, GIUNTA, GAETANO; BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO, , 2005Link identifier #identifier_person_198650-90 Dettaglio
- Improving Pre-Post Rake Shemes for DS/CDMA Mobile Communications, GIUNTA, GAETANO; BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO, , 2005Link identifier #identifier_person_44779-91 Dettaglio
- Initial Code Synchronization of W-CDMA Mobile Systems Exploiting Local Phase Coherence and Pisarenko Estimation, GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, , 2005Link identifier #identifier_person_3553-92 Dettaglio
- Initial Code Synchronization of W-CDMA Mobile Systems Exploiting Local Phase Coherence and Pisarenko Estimation, GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, , 2005Link identifier #identifier_person_183702-93 Dettaglio
- Reliability of signal processing technique for pavement damages detection and classification using ground penetrating radar, BENEDETTO, ANDREA; BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; DE BLASIIS, MARIA ROSARIA; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2005Link identifier #identifier_person_156839-94 Dettaglio
- Reliability of Signal Processing Technique for Pavement Damages Detection and Classification using Ground Penetrating Radar, BENEDETTO, ANDREA; BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; DE BLASIIS, MARIA ROSARIA; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2005Link identifier #identifier_person_86657-95 Dettaglio
- Initial Code Synchronization of W-CDMA Mobile Systems Exploiting Local Phase Coherence and Pisarenko Estimation, GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, , 2004Link identifier #identifier_person_161879-96 Dettaglio
- Reliability of radar inspection for detection of pavement damages, BENEDETTO, ANDREA; BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; DE BLASIIS, MARIA ROSARIA; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2004Link identifier #identifier_person_43266-97 Dettaglio
- Reliability of radar inspection for detection of pavement damages, BENEDETTO, ANDREA; GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2004Link identifier #identifier_person_123059-98 Dettaglio
- "Constrained Optimization of Non-Coherent Serial Acquisition of Spread-Spectrum Code by Exploiting the Generalized Q-Functions", GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO; CARLI, MARCO, , 2003Link identifier #identifier_person_128907-99 Dettaglio
- A "Rayleigh-ness" test for DS/SS code acquisition, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2003Link identifier #identifier_person_185984-100 Dettaglio
- Blind quality assessment system for multimedia communication using tracing watermarking, CAMPISI, PATRIZIO; CARLI, MARCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, , 2003Link identifier #identifier_person_56074-101 Dettaglio
- Blind quality assessment system for multimedia communications using tracing watermarking, CAMPISI, PATRIZIO; CARLI, MARCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, , 2003Link identifier #identifier_person_192884-102 Dettaglio
- Blind quality assessment system for multimedia communications using tracing watermarking, CAMPISI, PATRIZIO; CARLI, MARCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, , 2003Link identifier #identifier_person_57930-103 Dettaglio
- Blind quality assessment system for multimedia communications using tracing watermarking, CAMPISI, PATRIZIO; CARLI, MARCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, , 2003Link identifier #identifier_person_116723-104 Dettaglio
- Constrained Optimization of Non-Coherent Serial Acquisition of Spread-Spectrum Code by Exploiting the Generalized Q-Functions, GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO; CARLI, MARCO, , 2003Link identifier #identifier_person_18440-105 Dettaglio
- Constrained optimization of noncoherent serial acquisition of spread-spectrum code by exploiting the generalized Q-functions, GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO; CARLI, MARCO, , 2003Link identifier #identifier_person_125709-106 Dettaglio
- Constrained optimization of noncoherent serial acquisition of spread-spectrum code by exploiting the generalized Q-functions, GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO; CARLI, MARCO, , 2003Link identifier #identifier_person_50659-107 Dettaglio
- Generalized Q-functions for application to noncoherent serial detection of spread-spectrum communication signals, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 2000Link identifier #identifier_person_47106-108 Dettaglio
- Digital algorithm for maximisation of symmetric ambiguity functions and application to signal time-delay estimation, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 1999Link identifier #identifier_person_73415-109 Dettaglio
- Estimation of global motion parameters by complex linear regression, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 1999Link identifier #identifier_person_121450-110 Dettaglio
- Fine estimators of two-dimensional parameters and application to spatial shift estimation, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 1999Link identifier #identifier_person_177797-111 Dettaglio
- Fast estimators of time delay and Doppler stretch based on discrete-time methods, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 1998Link identifier #identifier_person_13085-112 Dettaglio
- ACCURACY OF A TIME-DELAY ESTIMATOR WITH UNKNOWN SAMPLED SIGNALS, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 1995Link identifier #identifier_person_132783-113 Dettaglio
- COMPLEX HYBRID CORRELATORS - AN EXTENDED ANALYSIS OF THEIR PERFORMANCE, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 1995Link identifier #identifier_person_140121-114 Dettaglio
- A stochastic observer for estimation of induction motor rotor flux, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 1994Link identifier #identifier_person_82568-115 Dettaglio
- Spectral noise and ultrasonic tissue characterization, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 1992Link identifier #identifier_person_35532-116 Dettaglio
- A NOTE ON THE COMPUTATIONAL-COMPLEXITY OF HIGH CORRELATION ESTIMATORS, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 1991Link identifier #identifier_person_91766-117 Dettaglio
- Bandpass nonlinear systems identification by higher order cross correlation, GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, , 1991Link identifier #identifier_person_101227-118 Dettaglio
- Image sequence coding using oriented edges, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 1990Link identifier #identifier_person_6532-120 Dettaglio
- NEURAL CORRELATION BASED ON THE IPFM MODEL, GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, , 1990Link identifier #identifier_person_178253-121 Dettaglio
- Neural correlation based on the IPFM model, GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, , 1990Link identifier #identifier_person_10919-122 Dettaglio
- Perceptual redundancy reduction in image sequences, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 1990Link identifier #identifier_person_156037-123 Dettaglio
- A method for quantitative ultrasonic backscatter estimates in the presence of phase distortion, GIUNTA, GAETANO, , 1987Link identifier #identifier_person_54279-124 Dettaglio
- Link identifier #identifier_person_82378-125Dettaglio
Contributo in volume e atti di convegno
- FORLINGIERI, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, River Level Measurement Using COSMO-SkyMed Second Generation Data: A Case Study, pp. 293 295, 2024 Link identifier #identifier_person_126258-126Dettaglio
- FORLINGIERI, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Towards Adaptive Persistent Scatteres Detection Using Multiple Alternative Hypotheses Scheme, vol. 2024-, pp. 11001 11003, 2024 Link identifier #identifier_person_139967-127Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO, A Two-Step Architecture for Detection and Estimation of Sub-Pixel Spectral Signatures in Hyperspectral Data, ISPA, issn 1845-5921, vol. 2023-, 2023 Link identifier #identifier_person_34413-128Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO, An Application of Artificial Intelligence to Adaptive Radar Detection Using Raw Data, issn 1097-5764, vol. 2023-, pp. 1 6, 2023 Link identifier #identifier_person_24367-129Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO, Improving Delay Estimation in Underwater Acoustic Applications by the Additional Use of Cross-Cross-Correlation, issn 1550-2252, vol. 2023-, 2023 Link identifier #identifier_person_186322-130Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO, Sensor Failure Detection for TDOA-based Localization Systems, pp. 380 384, 2023 Link identifier #identifier_person_27122-131Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO, User Localization for Rescue Operations Exploiting the Cross-Cross-Correlations of Signals from Multiple Sensors, pp. 70 73, 2023 Link identifier #identifier_person_169971-132Dettaglio
- NERI, MICHAEL; NERI, ALESSANDRO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, A Machine Learning-Based Approach for Audio Signals Classification using Chebychev Moments and Mel-Coefficients, pp. 120 124, 2022 Link identifier #identifier_person_66160-133Dettaglio
- NERI, MICHAEL; NERI, ALESSANDRO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, A Machine Learning-Based Approach for Audio Signals Classification using Chebychev Moments and Mel-Coefficients, pp. 120 124, 2022 Link identifier #identifier_person_167035-134Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO; PALLOTTA, LUCA, An Effective Convolution Neural Network for Automatic Recognition of Analog and Digital Signal Modulations for Cognitive SDR Applications, pp. 1 5, 2022 Link identifier #identifier_person_25247-135Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO, Coregistration Method for Rotated/Shifted FOPEN SAR Images, vol. 2022-, pp. 2454 2457, 2022 Link identifier #identifier_person_128424-136Dettaglio
- FISCANTE, NICOMINO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, High-Voltage Electric Power Transmission Monitoring by Micro-Motion Estimation using Synthetic Aperture Radar Data, vol. 2022-, pp. 535 540, 2022 Link identifier #identifier_person_35378-137Dettaglio
- FISCANTE, NICOMINO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Super-Resolution of Synthetic Aperture Radar Complex Data by Deep-Learning, issn 2575-7482, pp. 237 241, 2022 Link identifier #identifier_person_123021-138Dettaglio
- FISCANTE, NICOMINO; FORLINGIERI, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Towards 3D Synthetic Aperture Radar Echography, vol. 2022-, pp. 955 958, 2022 Link identifier #identifier_person_54534-139Dettaglio
- PALLOTTA, LUCA; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Chebychev moments based Drone Classification, Recognition and Fingerprinting, vol. 2021-June, pp. 1 6, 2021 Link identifier #identifier_person_167718-140Dettaglio
- PALLOTTA, LUCA; CAULI, MICHELA; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Classification of micro-Doppler radar hand-gesture signatures by means of Chebyshev moments, pp. 182 187, 2021 Link identifier #identifier_person_120040-141Dettaglio
- LOSQUADRO, CHIARA; PALLOTTA, LUCA; GIUNTA, GAETANO, COVID-19 Lung CT Images Recognition: A Feature-Based Approach, vol. 12702, pp. 471 478, 2021 Link identifier #identifier_person_86625-142Dettaglio
- FISCANTE, NICOMINO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Estimation of Earth Deformation Caused by the Nuclear Test Performed in North Korea, pp. 3999 4002, 2021 Link identifier #identifier_person_60299-143Dettaglio
- LOSQUADRO, CHIARA; CONFORTO, SILVIA; SCHMID, MAURIZIO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Small and Large Bile Ducts Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Classification: A Preliminary Feature-Based Study, vol. 13052, pp. 237 244, 2021 Link identifier #identifier_person_191005-144Dettaglio
- FISCANTE, NICOMINO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Spaceborne SAR based assessment of nuclear test effects: the case of North Korea, pp. 1 5, 2021 Link identifier #identifier_person_2704-145Dettaglio
- PALLOTTA, LUCA; GIUNTA, GAETANO, A Feature-Based Approach for Loaded/Unloaded Drones Classification Exploiting micro-Doppler Signatures, issn 1097-5659, vol. 2020-, pp. 1 6, 2020 Link identifier #identifier_person_121142-146Dettaglio
- PALLOTTA, LUCA; GIUNTA, GAETANO, A sparse learning based detector with enhanced mismatched signals rejection capabilities, vol. 2020-June, pp. 1 5, 2020 Link identifier #identifier_person_76874-147Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; LOSQUADRO, CHIARA; PALLOTTA, LUCA, Covid-19 Signal Analysis: Effect of Lockdown and Unlockdowns on Normalized Entropy in Italy, pp. 2250 2256, 2020 Link identifier #identifier_person_123918-148Dettaglio
- LOSQUADRO, CHIARA; GIUNTA, GAETANO; PALLOTTA, LUCA, MR Image Analysis to Differentiate Salivary Gland Tumors. a Preliminary Study, pp. 2215 2220, 2020 Link identifier #identifier_person_3841-149Dettaglio
- FARO, ELOISA; GIUNTA, GAETANO; PALLOTTA, LUCA, Subspace-Based Target Detection in the Presence of Multiple Alternative Hypotheses, issn 1097-5659, vol. 2020-, pp. 1 6, 2020 Link identifier #identifier_person_46447-150Dettaglio
- LOSQUADRO, CHIARA; CONFORTO, SILVIA; SCHMID, MAURIZIO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Computer Aided Effective Prediction of Complete Responders After Radiochemotherapy Based on Tumor Regression Grade Estimated by MR Imaging, issn 2212-9391, vol. 34, pp. 257 266, 2019 Link identifier #identifier_person_11823-151Dettaglio
- LOSQUADRO, CHIARA; CONFORTO, SILVIA; SCHMID, MAURIZIO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Mr Image Processing to Predict Complete Responders by Evaluating the Tumor Regression Grade: A Sensitivity Analysis, pp. 222 227, 2019 Link identifier #identifier_person_24824-152Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; TEDESCHI, ANTONIO, A Reputation-Based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in the Presence of Malicious Byzantine Users, IEEE VTS ... VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE, issn 1550-2252, vol. 2018-, pp. 1 5, 2018 Link identifier #identifier_person_172311-153Dettaglio
- SOOMRO, MUMTAZ HUSSAIN; CONFORTO, SILVIA; SCHMID, MAURIZIO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Automatic segmentation of colorectal cancer in 3D MRI by combining deep learning and 3D level-set algorithm-a preliminary study, vol. 2018-, pp. 198 203, 2018 Link identifier #identifier_person_35221-154Dettaglio
- SOOMRO, MUMTAZ HUSSAIN; GIUNTA, GAETANO; DE MARCHIS, CRISTIANO; CONFORTO, SILVIA; SCHMID, MAURIZIO, Segmenting MR images by level-set algorithms for perspective colorectal cancer diagnosis, issn 2212-9391, vol. 27, pp. 396 406, 2018 Link identifier #identifier_person_148153-155Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; MASTROENI, LORETTA CLARA LETIZIA, A Computational Method for Predicting the Entropy of Energy Market Time Series, LECTURE NOTES IN ECONOMICS AND MATHEMATICAL SYSTEMS, issn 0075-8442, vol. 682, pp. 39 44, 2016 Link identifier #identifier_person_131302-157Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; TEDESCHI, ANTONIO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Automatic blind modulation recognition of analog and digital signals in cognitive radios, IEEE VTS ... VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE, issn 1550-2252, pp. 1 5, 2016 Link identifier #identifier_person_114967-158Dettaglio
- TEDESCHI, ANTONIO; BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Novel extended modified twin test based sensing for cooperative communication under noise uncertainty, pp. 723 727, 2016 Link identifier #identifier_person_74746-159Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; TEDESCHI, ANTONIO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Performance improvements of reputation-based cooperative spectrum sensing, pp. 1 6, 2016 Link identifier #identifier_person_133388-160Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; LIGUORI, ANGELO, A novel method for securing critical infrastructures by detecting hidden flows of data, pp. 648 654, 2015 Link identifier #identifier_person_94530-161Dettaglio
- LIGUORI, ANGELO; BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Analysis and monitoring of hidden TCP traffic based on an open-source covert timing channel, pp. 667 674, 2015 Link identifier #identifier_person_45672-162Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Performance improvements of cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks with correlated cognitive users, pp. 1 5, 2015 Link identifier #identifier_person_165811-163Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; MASTROENI, LORETTA CLARA LETIZIA, Signal Processing for Financial Markets (Trends, Opportunities, and Associated Risks), pp. 7339 7346, 2015 Link identifier #identifier_person_39089-164Dettaglio
- LIGUORI, ANGELO; BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, SoftGap: A Multi Independent Levels of Security Cross-Domain Solution, pp. 754 759, 2015 Link identifier #identifier_person_2469-165Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Brand monitoring in the Twitter social network for electronic commerce, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_182828-166Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Cooperative spectrum sensing for positioning in cognitive radios, pp. 670 674, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_38267-167Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, A Rakeness Test for Coherent Signal Combining in Mobile Receivers, pp. 47 51, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_154286-168Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO; BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO, A Signal Processing Algorithm for Multi-Constant Modulus Equalization, pp. 52 56, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_12240-169Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, A Software Radio Implementation for Spectrum Hole Sensing in Cognitive Mobile Networks, pp. 261 265, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_199396-170Dettaglio
- CALVI, ALESSANDRO; BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; D'AMICO, FABRIZIO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Avoiding Rear-End Collisions by Low-Cost Inter-Vehicular Communications, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_69876-171Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Communications Services Applied to Business: A Simple Algorithm for Personal Trading, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_60734-173Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Detection of Hidden Users in Cognitive Radio Networks, pp. 2306 2310, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_163738-174Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Improving the Interference Temeprature Estimation for Dynamic Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radios, pp. 1 4, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_106707-175Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Improving the Interference Temperature Estimation for Dynamic Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radios, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_189917-176Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Reducing Mean Acquisition Time in Code Synchronization for Wireless Communications, pp. 667 671, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_27804-177Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; GUZZON, ELENA, A Novel Procedure for Initial Cell Search in 3GPP LTE Wireless Access Networks, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_166727-178Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; GUZZON, ELENA, Improving the Code Acquisition of LTE Systems, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_29245-179Dettaglio
- GUZZON, ELENA; BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Performance Improvements of OFDM Signals Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio, pp. 1 5, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_103313-180Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO, Phase Maps Filtering Methods in Dixon Technique on Dedicated Low Field Scanners, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_30979-181Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, An Effective Code Generator for Frequent Authentication of Multimedia Contents in Mobile Applications and Services, pp. 1 5, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_130272-182Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; GUZZON, ELENA, Effective Code Acquisition of Galileo BOC Signals, pp. 1 6, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_121692-183Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; GUZZON, ELENA, Enhanced TOA-based Indoor-Positioning Algorithm for Mobile LTE Cellular Systems, pp. 137 142, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_44363-184Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, A Fast Code Acquisition Technique for Positioning Systems, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_127202-185Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, A Fast Code Acquisition Technique for Positioning Systems, pp. 113 119, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_133096-186Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Impact of Quality of Service in Video-Conferencing: Technologies and Applications, pp. 1 33, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_82322-187Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Impact of Quality of Service in Video-Conferencing: Technologies and Applications, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_163554-188Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Performance Improvements of Code Acquisition in Satellite Spread Spectrum Systems, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_59069-189Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Performance Improvements of Code Acquisition in Satellite Spread Spectrum Systems, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_23314-190Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO, A Novel Approach to Indoor RSSI Localization by Automatic Calibration of the Wireless Propagation Model, 2009 Link identifier #identifier_person_101379-191Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO, Dynamic frame rate adjustment for real-time video in vehicular networks, 2009 Link identifier #identifier_person_72380-192Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, LOS/NLOS detection by the normalized RAYLEIGH-NESS test, 2009 Link identifier #identifier_person_193362-193Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, LOS/NLOS detection by the normalized RAYLEIGH-NESS test, pp. 2131 2135, 2009 Link identifier #identifier_person_184116-194Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, On the Performance Improvements of max-SINR Equalizers in Wireless Communications, 2009 Link identifier #identifier_person_63941-195Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, On the Performance Improvements of max-SINR Equalizers in Wireless Communications, 2009 Link identifier #identifier_person_87319-196Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO, Real-Time Loss Tolerant Video Streaming Authentication for Satellite Links, 2009 Link identifier #identifier_person_47802-197Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO, Virtual Calibration for RSSI-based Indoor Localization with IEEE 802.15.4, 2009 Link identifier #identifier_person_106889-198Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, A Business Model for QoS Assessment in Mobile Wireless Networks", pp. 347 354, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_102056-199Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Improving the Initial Code Acquisition in Asynchronous Band-Limited Spread-Spectrum Systems, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_116430-200Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Improving the Initial Code Acquisition in Asynchronous Band-Limited Spread-Spectrum Systems, pp. 431 435, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_33285-201Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, A Business Model founded on Bayes' Decision Procedure for Video-Call Billing from the Estimated End-to-End QOS, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_85503-202Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, A business model founded on Bayes' decision procedure for video-call billing from the estimated End-to-End QoS, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_64669-203Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, A Business model founded on Bayes' Decision Procedure for Video-Call Billing from the Estimated End-to-End QoS, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_80825-204Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; CINCOTTI, GABRIELLA, Advanced Modulation Formats in Optical Code Division Multiple Access Networks, pp. 91 94, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_33644-205Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Collaborative networking for dynamic QoS management in 3G communications by "boomerang" watermarking, pp. 227 230, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_184804-206Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Collaborative Networking for Dynamic QoS Management in 3G Communications by "Boomerang" Watermarking, pp. 227 230, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_176122-207Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Collaborative networking for dynamic QoS management in 3G communications by "boomerang" watermarking, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_148885-208Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; TOSCANO, ALESSANDRO, Dynamic LOS/NLOS Statistical Discrimination of Wireless Mobile Channels, pp. 3071 3075, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_5785-209Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO, Embedding source signature in multicast wireless video streams, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_135194-210Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO, Real-time video transmission in vehicular networks, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_173361-211Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, A Scheme of Fractional Modulation for Wireless OFDM, pp. 61 64, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_22470-212Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, A scheme of fractional modulation for wireless OFDM, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_143-213Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Digital Audio Watermarking for QoS Assessment of MP3 Music Signals, pp. 1 5, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_65030-214Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Digital audio watermarking for QoS assessment of MP3 music signals, EUROPEAN SIGNAL PROCESSING CONFERENCE, issn 2219-5491, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_109232-215Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Digital Watermarking Signal Processing for QoS Assessment using Wavelet Transform, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_25575-216Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Digital Watermarking Signal Processing for QoS Assessment using Wavelet Transform, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_48910-217Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Digital Watermarking Signal Processing for QoS Assessment using Wavelet Transform, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_123861-218Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, End-to-End QoS Provision and Control in Wireless Communication Systems by Means of Digital Watermarking Signal Processing, vol. 2, pp. 696 701, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_54625-219Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, End-To-End Qos Provision And Control In Wireless Communication Systems By Means Of Digital Watermarking Signal Processing, pp. 655 659, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_193533-220Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, End-To-End Qos Provision And Control In Wireless Communication Systems By Means Of Digital Watermarking Signal Processing, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_151015-221Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Enhanced code acquisition in global positioning radio systems, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_142826-222Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Enhanced code acquisition in global positioning radio systems, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_31502-223Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Enhanced code acquisition in global positioning radio systems, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_96166-224Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, QoS Provisionig And Control In Real-Time Interactive Multimedia Communications Using Digital Watermarking, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_163706-225Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, QoS Provisioning and Control in Real-Time Interactive Multimedia Communications using Digital Watermarking, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_99480-226Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, QoS Provisioning and Control in Real-Time Interactive Multimedia Communications using Digital Watermarking, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_87788-227Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, A new color space domain for digital watermarking in multimedia applications, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_187371-228Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, A new color space domain for digital watermarking in multimedia applications, vol. 3, pp. 749 752, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_110265-229Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, A new color space domain for digital watermarking in multimedia applications, pp. 249 252, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_92092-230Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Effective PN Code Acquisition in Global Positioning Systems for New Generation Wireless Networks and Services, pp. 179 183, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_42341-231Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Effective PN Code Acquisition in Global Positioning Systems for New Generation Wireless Networks and Services, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_183619-232Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Effective PN Code Acquisition in Global Positioning Systems for New Generation Wireless Networks and Services, vol. 3, pp. 749 752, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_19249-233Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, End-to-End Quality of Service Assessment in Mobile Applications for User-Centric Multimedia Networks by Tracing Watermarking, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_187761-234Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, End-to-end quality of service assessment in mobile applications for user-centric multimedia networks by tracing watermarking, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_199726-235Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; CARLI, MARCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Performance benefits of fractional sampling in the initial code synchronization for the wireless access of 3G mobile communications, vol. 3, pp. 749 752, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_3446-236Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; CARLI, MARCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Performance benefits of fractional sampling in the initial code synchronization for the wireless access of 3G mobile communications, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_671-237Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; CARLI, MARCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Performance benefits of fractional sampling in the initial code synchronization for the wireless access of 3G mobile communications, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_21879-238Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; CARLI, MARCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Performance Benefits of Fractional Sampling in the Initial Code Synchronization for the Wireless Access of 3G Mobile Communications, vol. 61, pp. 377 381, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_36312-239Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, QoS Provisioning and Control in Real-Time Interactive Multimedia Communications Using Digital Watermarking, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_115630-240Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Ultra wide band receiver based on turbo-equalization, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_69910-241Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Ultra-wide-band receiver based on turbo-equalization, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_137840-242Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Ultra-wide-band receiver based on turbo-equalization, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_32255-243Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO; BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO, Improving the code acquisition performance in the radio access of spead spectrum communications by exploiting cell correlation, pp. 262 266, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_60337-244Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO; BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO, Improving the code acquisition performance in the radio access of spread spectrum communications by exploiting cell correlation, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_157866-245Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Initial DS/SS code synchronization by two-dimensional techniques and MIMO systems, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_98269-246Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Initial DS/SS code synchronization by two-dimensional techniques and MIMO systems, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_63119-247Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Initial W-CDMA Code Acquisition Based on the Rayleigh-ness test, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_28969-248Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; VEGNI, ANNA MARIA, Performing xDSL for QoS Requirements, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_58685-249Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO; BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO, Pre-Post-Rake Schemes for DS/SS Mobile Communications, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_148406-250Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO, Quality of service assessment in new generation wireless video communications, pp. 1 288, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_193633-251Dettaglio
- SCHMID, MAURIZIO; CONFORTO, SILVIA; GIUNTA, GAETANO, A Subpixel Algorithm for the Reconstruction of Kinematics from Video Sequences in Orthostatic Postural Tests, IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY ... ANNUAL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, issn 1557-170X, vol. 25, pp. 821 824, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_33711-252Dettaglio
- DE BLASIIS, MARIA ROSARIA; BENEDETTO, ANDREA; BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Ground Penetrating Radar signal processing for road monitoring and damage detection, vol. 1, pp. 325 328, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_159847-253Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, ANDREA; BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; DE BLASIIS, MARIA ROSARIA; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Ground Penetrating Radar signal processing for road monitoring and damage detection, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_105537-254Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Quality of Service Assessment for MPEG-2/4 Videos in Multimedia Mobile Communiations using Digital Watermarking, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_159424-255Dettaglio
- CAMPISI, PATRIZIO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Quality of service assessment for MPEG-2/4 videos in multimedia mobile communications using digital watermarking, SERIES ON SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING, issn 1482-7921, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_152409-256Dettaglio
- SCHMID, MAURIZIO; CONFORTO, SILVIA; GIUNTA, GAETANO; D'ALESSIO, TOMMASO, Reconstructing Posture Kinematics by a Marker-free Subpixel Algorithm, pp. TRACK 02.04. TRACK 02.04., 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_50403-257Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, ANDREA; BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; DE BLASIIS, MARIA ROSARIA; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Sub-surface remote sensing by GPR for subgrade soil characterization and possible road damage detection, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_194345-258Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, ANDREA; BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; DE BLASIIS, MARIA ROSARIA; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Sub-surface remote sensing by GPR for subgrade soil characterization and possibile road damage detection, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_335-259Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, ANDREA; BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; DE BLASIIS, MARIA ROSARIA; GIUNTA, GAETANO, Sub-surface remote sensing by ground penetrating radar for subgrade soil characterization and possible road damage detection, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_58485-260Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Two-dwell code acquisition techniques by advanced spatio-temporal antennas for the radio access of 3G mobile communications, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_143402-261Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Two-dwell code acquisition techniques by advanced spatio-temporal antennas for the radio access of 3G mobile communications, vol. 2, pp. 696 701, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_51528-262Dettaglio
- BENEDETTO, ANDREA; BENEDETTO, FRANCESCO; DE BLASIIS, MARIA ROSARIA; GIUNTA, GAETANO, An Effective Signal Processing Procedure for the Detection of Road Damages using Ground Penetrating Radar, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_183232-263Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Browse Conference Publications > Communications, 2002. ICC 200 ... Tracing watermarking for multimedia communication quality assessment, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_123496-264Dettaglio
- CARLI, MARCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Browse Conference Publications > Communications, 2002. ICC 200 ... Tracing watermarking for multimedia communication quality assessment, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_82377-265Dettaglio
- CAMPISI, PATRIZIO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Object-based quality of service assessment using semi-fragile tracing watermarking in MPEG-4 video cellular services, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_109992-266Dettaglio
- CAMPISI, PATRIZIO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Object-based quality of service assessment using semi-fragile tracing watermarking in MPEG-4 video cellular services, vol. 3, pp. 749 752, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_77931-267Dettaglio
- CAMPISI, PATRIZIO; CARLI, MARCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Tracing watermarking for multimedia communication quality assessment, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_98743-268Dettaglio
- CAMPISI, PATRIZIO; CARLI, MARCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Tracing watermarking for multimedia communication quality assessment, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_102131-269Dettaglio
- CAMPISI, PATRIZIO; CARLI, MARCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Tracing watermarking for multimedia communication quality assessment, vol. 3, pp. 749 752, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_29155-270Dettaglio
- CARLI, MARCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Tracing watermarking techniques for multimedia wireless communications, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_150298-271Dettaglio
- CARLI, MARCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Tracing Watermarking techniques for multimedia wireless communications, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_188695-272Dettaglio
- CARLI, MARCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, A Simple Short-Length Interleaver MixingConvolutional and Turbo Coders, 2001 Link identifier #identifier_person_17635-273Dettaglio
- CARLI, MARCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Improving the performance of initial code acquisition in the wireless access of W-CDMA personal multimedia communications systems, 2001 Link identifier #identifier_person_169567-274Dettaglio
- CARLI, MARCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Improving the performance of initial code synchronization in the wireless access of W-CDMA, 2001 Link identifier #identifier_person_81942-275Dettaglio
- CARLI, MARCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Optimization of Serial Search Procedures forSpread-Spectrum Code Synchronization, 2001 Link identifier #identifier_person_114626-276Dettaglio
- CARLI, MARCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Robust detection of spread spectrum signals under frequency uncertainty, pp. 18 23, 2001 Link identifier #identifier_person_157860-277Dettaglio
- CARLI, MARCO; GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Robust Detection of Spread-Spectrum Signalsunder Frequency Uncertainty, 2001 Link identifier #identifier_person_136991-278Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO; CARLI, MARCO, Efficient direct-sequence code acquisition in spread-spectrum communication systems, 2000 Link identifier #identifier_person_4799-279Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO, Coding oriented soft/fine segmentation by multi-motion estimation, 1999 Link identifier #identifier_person_17788-280Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO, Bussgang test: A powerful non-Gaussianity test, 1998 Link identifier #identifier_person_121760-281Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO, Bussgang Gaussianity test for stationary series, 1997 Link identifier #identifier_person_138555-282Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO, An optimal estimator of camera motion by a non-stationary image model, 1996 Link identifier #identifier_person_30375-283Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO, Time delay and motion estimators based on digital fast time-scaling of random signals, 1996 Link identifier #identifier_person_178818-284Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO, A statistical estimator of time delay and Doppler shift from multi-sampled random signals, 1995 Link identifier #identifier_person_107508-285Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO, Efficient Representation and High-Compression Coding of Image Sequences, 1993 Link identifier #identifier_person_48510-286Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO, DISCRETE PHASE CORRELATORS: UNIFIED ANALYSIS OF PERFORMANCE, 1991 Link identifier #identifier_person_166568-287Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO, Image sequence coding using concepts in visual perception, 1990 Link identifier #identifier_person_103475-288Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO, A stochastic model for biological tissues: Effects of scatterers regularity in ultrasonic backscattering, pp. 328 331, 1988 Link identifier #identifier_person_93054-289Dettaglio
- GIUNTA, GAETANO; NERI, ALESSANDRO, Identification of systems containing zero-memory nonlinearities using cross-correlation techniques, 1988 Link identifier #identifier_person_158962-290Dettaglio