Autenticazione Federata IDEMimage 114082

The European academic community has built an authentication infrastructure to allow its members to access the web applications, developed by the research institutions and the European service providers, with a single user and password credential (the one supplied by the home institution), rather than a different credential for each and every service.

In Italy the infrastructure is managed by GARR with the Link identifier #identifier__24315-1IDEM service.

Roma TRE has been one of the founder institutions and it cooperates actively with the federation to develop new functions and to promote the use of resources and services.

The credentials to be used by the Roma TRE users within the federation are the domain Roma3Pass ones.

For information and support, please use the form:

Link identifier #identifier__13492-2

or send a message at

idem at Link identifier

Informazioni di sistema 26 April 2021