Italian educational system

To learn more about the Italian University System please take a look at the page.

The University Ministry Decree n.509 of November 3th 1999 (updated with Ministerial Decree 270/2004) has launched a reform process of the National University System aimed at harmonising educational paths and qualifications at european level.

First Cycle Degree Courses – Bachelor (Laurea – L): they provide an adequate preparation on basic knowledge together with specific professional skills.
Duration: 3 years
Qualification required: High School Diploma or Secondary School Diploma earned after at least 12 years of studies.

Second Cycle Degree Courses – Master (Laurea Magistrale – LM): they provide education at an advanced level for the exercise of highly qualified activities in specific fields.
Duration: 2 years
Qualification required: First Cycle Degree – Bachelor

Single Cycle Degree – (Laurea Magistrale – LM): they provide education at an advanced level, in order to exercise qualified activities in specific fields.
Single Cycle Degree Programmes include: Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy, Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology, Law, Architecture, Building Engineering and Architecture, Primary Education.
Duration: 5 or 6 years
Qualification required: High School Diploma or Secondary School Diploma earned after at least 12 years of studies.

Advanced professional courses I and II level: qualifying postgraduate courses with the purpose to provide a professional education in specific fields.
Duration: 1 year
Qualification required Advanced professional course I Level: Bachelor Degree, Master Degree, Single Cycle Degree
Qualification required Advanced professional course II Level: Master Degree, Single Cycle Degree

Third Cycle Degree – PHD Programme and Specialisation Schools: the most advanced University Degree providing an high level of specialisation respectively in research and professional expertise.
Duration PHD: 3/4 years
Duration Specialisation Schools: varying according to each specialisation field
Qualification required: Master or Single Cycle Degree.

University Educational Credits

The University reform has introduced the University Educational Credit (CFU), namely workloads hours carried out by students related to home study, lessons, laboratories, exercises.

The credits awarded for each training activity connected to a degree course are earned once the student passes the exam or completes the activity.

Credits do not replace the exam mark expressed out of thirty.

Credits represent the quantity of work; marks the quality of the result achieved by the student.

A “value” is given to the time spent by each student to accomplish his educational path: one credit (CFU) corresponds to 25 hours of work.

The average quantity carried out by students occupied in full-time education, for each academic year, is set at 60 credits (1500 hours).

Credits allow the comparison of degree programmes between italian and european universities and encourage mobility from one university to another.

System of grading

Passing grades for each exam or learning activity can range from 18 to 30, where 18 is the passing grade and 30 the highest grade. The highest possible grade is 30/30 with honours (30L). For some exams and activities, there is no grade, but only “pass”.

Graduation grades can range from 66 to 110, where 66 is the passing grade and 110 the highest grade. The highest possible grade is 110/110 with honours (110L).

The grading table based on the ECTS system (European Credit Transfer System) is available at page Link identifier #identifier__47576-1Tabelle ECTS/ECTS grading Tables – Portale dello Studente (

For information on pre-registration, enrolment, registration please go to the Link identifier #identifier__108805-2Student Portal.
The Student Portal is a website inside Roma Tre University website conceived to support students for information on administrative procedures.

Informazioni di sistema 13 March 2024