Roma Tre University has identified University’s representatives within the working groups of the Network of Universities for Sustainable Development (RUS) and appointed administrative staff’s representatives.
The sustainable Roma Tre Group is coordinated by the delegate for environment sustainability Prof. Link identifier #identifier__139618-1Paola Marrone and by Director Link identifier #identifier__75151-2Alessandro Masci assisted by Dr. Link identifier #identifier__92601-3Alberta Cardillo and Dr. Link identifier #identifier__37039-4Luigi Spadoni of International Affairs, Third Mission and Sustainable Development Area from Directorate 9.
The Sustainable Roma Tre Group is composed of University’s representatives within the working groups of the Network of Universities for Sustainable Development:
Climate Change Working Group
- Link identifier #identifier__153563-5Massimo Frezzotti, Full Professor of Science Department
- Link identifier #identifier__161131-6Claudio Alberti from Directorate 8
Food Working Group
- Link identifier #identifier__156467-7Livia Leoni, Associated Professor of Science Department
- Link identifier #identifier__187769-8Luigi Spadoni from Sustainable Development office
Education Working Group
- Link identifier #identifier__59419-9Giuseppe Carrus, Full Professor of Education Science Department
- Link identifier #identifier__10792-10Alberto Apruzzesefrom Directorate 3
Energy Working Group
- Link identifier #identifier__160604-11Luca Evangelisti, Associated Professor in the Department of Industrial, Electronic, and Mechanical Engineering
- Link identifier #identifier__45428-12Claudio Alberti from Directorate 8
Inclusion and Social Justice Working Group
- Link identifier #identifier__60065-13Barbara de Angelis, Full Professor in the Department of Education Sciences and delegate by the Rector for disability, specific learning disorders (DSA) and inclusion support
- Link identifier #identifier__192477-14Roberta Evangelistafrom Directorate 7
Mobility Working Group
- Link identifier #identifier__147218-15Maria Rosaria De Blasiis, Full Professor in the disciplinary sector routes, railways, airports in the Department of Civil Engineering, Computer Science, and Aeronautical Technologies, delegate by the Rector for sustainable mobility.
- Link identifier #identifier__95264-16Francesca Lavaggi from Directorate 8
Waste and Resources Working Group
- Link identifier #identifier__184125-17Olimpia Martucci, Associated Professor in Business Economics Department
- Link identifier #identifier__53788-18Claudio Alberti from Directorate 8
University for Industry Working Group
- Link identifier #identifier__46109-19Ludovica Principato, Researcher in Business Economics Department
- Link identifier #identifier__49799-20Francesco Ferracci from Directorate 8