Roma Tre University has been engaged for several years both to reduce the use of plastic and to raise awareness within its academic community. For 2023 the University has launched the campaign “Roma3no plastic”.
Through this campaign 12,000 stainless steel thermal bottles with the Roma Tre logo were distributed free of charge to students and to staff.
The University provided drinking water dispensers for students and staff to further discourage the use of single-use plastic bottles.
There are 24 water dispensers throughout all University campuses and thanks to these, 670,000 Liters of water were dispensed in 2023. This resulted in a saving of 1.300.000 plastic bottles corresponding to approximately 13 tons of plastic not introduced in the environment and allowed a saving of about 60.000 kilos of Co2. For further information: Link identifier #identifier__44830-1Roma3noplastic