21002040 - Design and Architectural Restoration

Critical knowledge and operational culture of restoration, conservation and reconstruction in archeology, architecture and the surroundings of historic and artistic interest. Through study exercises or through the project it aims to deepen the philological and construction overview of different topics presented during the course.


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Mutuazione: 21002040 PROGETTO DEL RESTAURO ARCHITETTONICO in Architettura - Progettazione architettonica LM-4 CANALE I PORRETTA PAOLA


The course is divided into three sections.
1) History of the archaeological restoration culture, particularly focused on Rome (Roman Forum, Palatine Hill, Imperial Fora). The lectures are dedicated to the history of change and re-use that have led to the loss of the original architectural identity until its intentional “re-creation”, from the second half of the Eighteenth Century. This new culture and its different outcomes during the last two centuries will be analyzed: excavations, restorations, reconstructions, anastylosis and enhancement programs.
2) Lectures on the history of Garbatella neighborhood.
3) Small group exercises (main topic: Garbatella neighborhood).

Core Documentation

Section 1 of the program
- I. Insolera, Roma moderna. Un secolo di storia urbanistica 1870-1970, Roma 1962.
- R. Krautheimer, Roma. Profilo di una città, 312-1308, Roma 1981 (1° ed. 1980).
- I. Insolera-F. Perego, Archeologia e città. Storia moderna dei Fori di Roma, Bari 1983.
- M. Jonsson, La cura dei monumenti alle origini. Restauro e scavo di monumenti antichi a Roma 1800-1830, Stockholm 1986.
- S. Casiello, Problemi di conservazione e restauro nei primi decenni dell’Ottocento, in Id. (a cura di), Restauro tra metamorfosi e teorie, Napoli 1992.
- S. Casiello (a cura di), Verso una storia del restauro. Dall'età classica al primo Ottocento, Firenze 2008.

Sections 2 and 3 of the program
- F.R. Stabile, La Garbatella a Roma -Architettura e regionalismo, Editrice librerie Dedalo, Roma 2012.

- S. Rappino, La Garbatella: logica di formazione del quartiere. L’esperienza tipologica e strutturale, in Lettura-Progettazione del contesto urbano Ostiense a Roma, Kappa, Roma 1975.
- F. Leoni, G. Monti, La Garbatella, in “Architecture d’aujourd’hui”, 189, Paris 1977.
- G. Muratore, Gli “alberghi rossi” della Garbatella, in Il modo di costruire, Edilstampa, Roma 1988, pp. 485-487.
- L. Prisco [a cura di], Architettura Moderna a Roma e nel Lazio, 1920-1945, Conoscenza e Tutela, vol. I, Regione Lazio-Centro Regionale per la Documentazione dei Beni Culturali e Ambientali, Edilstampa, Roma 1996.
- Associazione Culturale Futuro [a cura di], Invito alla Garbatella, percorsi d’arte nella città-giardino, Fratelli Palombi Editori, Roma 1998.
- M. Casciato, Nello strapaese della Garbatella tra barocchetto e neorealismo, “Capitolium”, II, 4, 1998, pp. 82-85.
- M.P. Pagliari [a cura di], La Garbatella ICP-Guida all’Architettura Moderna di Roma, a cura dell’Osservatorio sul Moderno a Roma, Foglio di GROMA, Fratelli Palombi Editori, Roma 1998.
- M. Semmelmann, La Garbatella - ein Quartier in Rom, “Bauwelt”, 13, 1998.
- G. Rivolta, E. Gori, Garbatella mia, La Campanella, Roma 2003.
- M. Sinatra, La Garbatella a Roma 1920-1940, Franco Angeli, Milano 2006.
- G. Rivolta, Garbatella: tra storia e leggenda, Iacobelli, Pavona 2010.
- A. Bonavita, P. Fumo, M.P. Pagliari, La Garbatella. Guida all’architettura moderna, Palombi, Roma 2011.

Slides will be available to all students.
Further bibliography will be indicated during the course.

Type of delivery of the course

The course consists of lessons (1 hour a week, section 1 of the program) and small group exercises (3 hours a week, section 3 of the program). Lectures shared with the course of "Design and Architectural Restoration B" are planned (2 hours a week, section 2 of the program).


Attendance is mandatory

Type of evaluation

The final exam will consist of an oral test, consisting of the in-depth discussion of two topics discussed during the course (sections 1 and 2 of the program), and of oral presentation about group exercises (section 3 of the program).

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21002040 PROGETTO DEL RESTAURO ARCHITETTONICO in Architettura - Progettazione architettonica LM-4 CANALE II STABILE FRANCESCA ROMANA


The course aims to accompany students in the final critical reflection on the different teaching experiences tested over the three-year period and in the two-year course in the field of restoration teaching. To this end, some themes of architectural heritage culture are the subject of critical analysis and operational experimentation. The course will be divided into lectures, lectures and a workshop on the Garbatella garden hamlet (organized with the Architectural restoration project course A).

Core Documentation

- V. Fraticelli, Roma 1914-1929. La città e gli architetti tra la guerra e il fascismo, Officina, Roma 1982.

- C. Cocchioni, M. De Grassi, La casa popolare a Roma. Trent’anni di attività dell’I.C.P., Edizioni Kappa, Roma 1984, pp. 171-175.

- G. Strappa [a cura di], Tradizione e innovazione nell’architettura di Roma, Kappa, Roma 1988, pp. 115-117, 136-138.

- G. Muratore, Edilizia e architetti a Roma negli anni Venti, in Storia dell’architettura italiana-Il primo Novecento, a cura di G. Ciucci, G. Muratore, Electa, Milano 2004, pp. 74-99.

- T. Dore, A. Nocera, M.V. Rinaldi (a cura di), L’archivio storico iconografico IACP, i progetti delle case popolari a Roma dal 1903 agli anni ’50, ATER del Comune di Roma, Catalogo della mostra, Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, Roma, 10 marzo-31 marzo, Roma 2009, pp. 20-25.

- F.R. Stabile, La Garbatella a Roma -Architettura e regionalismo, Editrice librerie Dedalo, Roma 2012

- F.R. Stabile, Garbatella – la periferia come centro, in “Limes – rivista italiana di geopolitica”, 4, 2016, pp. 91-98.

Type of delivery of the course

The course, structured in a "Garbatella 20/20" Laboratory, will be divided into: - seminar activities with lessons and guided tours; - research activities that students will have to carry out in groups (study, critical elaborations and analysis of urban and architectural themes; project proposals and / or guidelines for the restoration, restoration and re-functionalization of architectural consistencies and of the urban system, with specific attention to the relationship between public spaces and private spaces); - preparatory activities for the elaboration of a temporal map of the urban memory, curated by Pietro Ruffo, to be presented at the Biennale of Public Spaces (Rome, former Mattatoio, May 30 - June 1, 2019). The studies carried out by the students will flow into the "Quaderni di Garbatella 20/20" drawn up by the working groups according to the layout provided by the course. Broad outline of the work to be carried out includes: introductory note of the project (max 5,000 characters) and biographical profile of the designer (max 2,500 characters) with the chronology of the main works; archive research and systematization of documentary material; photographic and metric survey; analysis of the state of conservation; critical redesign of the project and the current state with normalized graphic code (typological plans, plan of the public space, sections, elevations, etc.); abacus of architectural elements; bibliography, archival sources and possible archival registers.


Attendance is mandatory at 75% of the hours (see the didactic regulation)

Type of evaluation

The evaluation of the students will be on the work done during the Garbatella 20/20 Laboratory, in particular, it will be required to illustrate a "Notebook", in A4 format, which collects the students' papers on one of the historic lots in the neighborhood (historical summary on the figure of designers, architectural and urban analysis, study of greenery, interviews with inhabitants, interpretative schemes of typological and urban characters). Students will have to demonstrate that they have understood the historical events of the Garbatella district, its compositional process and the various problems related to its state of preservation.