At the end of the course students are expected to know the characterising elements of Balkan contemporary world. To recognize the otherness of Balkans in respect of Europe, especially for the coexistence and the overlapping (whithin a comparatively narrow amount of space) of nationalities, cultures, traditions, religions that shape multietnichal, multicultural and multireligious societies. To highlight the necessity and the convenience of multidisciplinary approaches to historically complex realities.
teacher profile | teaching materials


History of contemporary Europe starting from its roots in the ancien régime and the age of the Enlightenment, to arrive through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries up to the present day. Above all, the political history and cultural history of the continent will be treated, seen pluralistically in its western, central, oriental historical-geographical components.
Europe from the Enlightenment to the age of imperialism
Europe of the twentieth century and the years two thousand

Core Documentation

- L. Caracciolo – A. Roccucci, Storia contemporanea. Dal mondo europeo al mondo senza centro, Le Monnier Università
- F. Chabod, Storia dell’idea d’Europa, Laterza
S. Allevi – F. Della Zuanna, Tutto quello che non vi hanno mai detto sull’immigrazione, Laterza