20709722 - iconography of theater and dance

The course aims to study the lines of convergence between visual arts and documentary images as a representational ground for the performing arts, by focusing on factual episodes of the dialogue between photography and dance.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The relationship between the performing arts and the visual arts: reciprocal influences between theatrical cultures and representation codes. Identification of general problems and peculiarities of some cases of documentation or artistic collaboration. Dialogue between different ages: the example of the Commedia dell'Arte and the great nineteenth-century actresses, the birth of modern dance and its delivery to visual art, including photography. Images as a destination or as a source of action. Images/documents and images/works.

Core Documentation

- Samantha Marenzi, Immagini di danza. Fotografia e arte del movimento nel primo Novecento, Editoria & Spettacolo, Spoleto 2018.
- I corpi del Butō. Fotografie di danza tra Oriente e Occidente, a cura di Samantha Marenzi, Postcart, Roma 2018 (catalogo mostra).
- La scena dell’immagine, a cura di Stefano Geraci, Raimondo Guarino, Samantha Marenzi, Officina Edizioni, Roma 2019.
- La camera meravigliosa. Per un atlante della fotografia di danza, a cura di Samantha Marenzi, Simona Silvestri, Francesca Pietrisanti, “La Scena dei saperi”, vol. 2, Editoriale Idea, Roma 2020 (catalogo mostra).

FOR NON-ATTENDING STUDENTS: Non-attending students must add the text Marianna Zannoni, Il teatro in fotografia. L’immagine della prima attrice italiana fra Otto e Novecento, Pisa, Titivillus 2018.

Type of delivery of the course

Frontal lessons with the aid of projections (analysis of the iconographic material).

Type of evaluation

Oral examination.