20810065-2 - OPTICS

- to make the student familiar with the principal experimental results who led to the reformulation of physics needed in order for atomic phenomena to be adequately described;
- to introduce students to the concept wave function and to Schroedinger's equation;
- to provide those mathematical tools needed to solve some problems concerning simple quantum systems (potential well, harmonic oscillator);
- to provide a quantum interpretation about the behaviour of some complex systems (like for instance
hydrogen-like atoms, spin, field quantization, band theory, effective mass)
teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 20801697 OTTICA in Ingegneria delle tecnologie della comunicazione e dell'informazione LM-27 SANTARSIERO MASSIMO


Wave propagation, diffraction and interference. Fresnel and Fraunhofer approximations. Classical theory of coherence. Optical systems.

Detailed program: http://webusers.fis.uniroma3.it/~ottica/sant/ottica/main.html

Core Documentation

- P. Mazzoldi, M. Nigro, C. Voci, “Elementi di Fisica – Elettromagnetismo e Onde”, II edizione, EdiSES (2008)
- F. Gori, Elementi di Ottica, ed. Accademica
- Notes provided by the teacher