22910168 - General education

The course aims to acquire the basic scientific and disciplinary skills aimed at identifying the educational and training models and the related methods of intervention. To develop the student's awareness and critical knowledge of the changes in pedagogical theories, linked to the social, economic, institutional and cultural processes of a given historical moment. To identify the complementarity of processes in a complex society where education, educational institutions and training institutions are closely involved.


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The course focuses on the relationship between the pedagogical culture and the social, cultural and political transformations during the twentieth century. It also focuses on the problems and specific challenges of the current complex society, characterized by the plurality of pedagogical and cultural approaches and by the deep transformations that have involved both the labour market and educational institutions. Through the main authors of the twentieth century will be analysed the transition to scientific pedagogy and the relationship with the educational sciences. Particular attention will be dedicated to the contribution of Dewey. Part of the program focuses on early childhood and applications to educational settings for children

Core Documentation

1. FORNACA R., DI POL R.S., Dalla certezza alla complessità. La pedagogia scientifica del ‘900, Principato, Milano 1993
2. MARIUZZO A. (a cura di), Dewey. Pedagogia, scuola e democrazia, La Scuola, Brescia 2016
3. SCUOLA DI BARBIANA, Lettera a una professoressa, Libreria Editrice Fiorentina

Type of evaluation

oral exam

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Historical field of the concept of paideia; scientific definition of the pedagogical discourse; trend lines of pedagogical reflection especially in the twentieth century, main twentieth century cultural trends and characterizing figures of pedagogical-educational reflection; education and subject-in-education; education and freedom; education and self-representation of the subject in modernity and postmodernity; education policies

Core Documentation

M. Giosi: Come in uno specchio, Roma, Anicia, 2011

Type of evaluation

oral exam

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Integrating the most interesting voices of present pedagogy with the results of international, interdisciplinary research, Meaning of educational communication as an active strategy in different cultural, social, professional settings and processes. Transferrable professional models in socio-educational settings. Organizational and projectual strategies based on the network model. Performance flexibility and expertise in programming and interacting within systems.

Core Documentation

Bruner J., La cultura dell'educazione

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures and classes. Use of slides, graphics. Narrative approaches deepening concrete issues.

Type of evaluation

Oral exams. Individual answers to tests. Elaboration of an essay on seminars’ technical impact on the professional style of social educators and teachers.

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The course aims to initiate students to the study of themes and problems of general Pedagogy, with particular attention to the pedagogical and educational reflection that emerged during the twentieth century. Some significant constructs of the pedagogical discourse, also related to the space-time context of early childhood, will be examined in depth, in comparison with the Socratic lesson: education and paideia, practice of care and self-care, ethics and moral action, communication and dialogic relationship .

Core Documentation

Platone, Apologia di Socrate, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2005 (recommended edition);
L. Mortari, La pratica dell'aver cura, Bruno Mondadori, Roma 2006;
A. Porcheddu (a cura di), Zygmunt Bauman. Intervista sull'educazione. Sfide pedagogiche e modernità liquida, Anicia, Roma 2005.

Those wishing to take the exam with a different program than the standard one, are requested to agree with the teacher, at least 30 days before the date of appeal.

Type of delivery of the course

The course includes 36 hours of conventional didactics: frontal lessons and students' participation

Type of evaluation

Examination consists of an interview on the subjects of the course, aimed at ensuring the possession of specific knowledge of some themes of general Pedagogy. The exam grade, expressed in thirty-eight, takes into account: the ability to easily navigate among the topics addressed in the lesson, starting with the texts proposed; the ability to re-elaborate the acquired knowledge critically; the ownership of proper expressive property and specialized terminology.