Designing and organizing educational activities in childcare services, preparing appropriate interventions for users and territory; use educational-didactic strategies and methodologies oriented to the promotion of skills, respecting the times and styles of development and learning of each; monitor and self-evaluate the effectiveness of one's educational activity; develop critical skills for quality assessment of early childhood interventions; use computer tools and new technologies applied to educational contexts.


teacher profile | teaching materials


Aims of the course - the teaching has as priority the development of the following knowledge and skills by students:
• seize the specificities of analyzing educational situations from different points of view (social, cultural, etc.) in order to take appropriate educational practices; analyze individual needs and the social, cultural and territorial context; plan and organize childcare services according to current legislation; plan and organize childcare services according to the needs of users and the territory; document, observe and collect information which allows an ecological and dynamic assessment; know theories, methodological and teaching skills related to the plan and organization of early childhood; know theories and skills related to the documentation and evaluation of care and early childhood education; know the role and function of educational agencies, with particular reference to families and to school; know how to use appropriate educational and teaching strategies and methodologies aimed at promoting each one's skills; know the role and function of the various services of the integrated education system; thing up, plan and evaluate educational interventions consistent with the needs of children in different contexts;
• know the potential of action research as a functional strategy to raise the quality of processes and educational / training outcomes; know the potential of action research as a functional strategy to the professional development of educators and teachers and organizational learning; seize the connection between educational leadership, the culture of autonomy and the culture of evaluation; connect quality and relevance of the information available to the quality of decisions at the level of macro-system, mesosistema and microeducational level; develop critical skills for the evaluation of the quality of educational paths dedicated to childhood; know how to plan educational project, formulate specific interventions for children; critically analyze the educational choices;

Description of the course
The course Organizzazione didattica e processi valutativi is carried out with interactive teaching methods and takes into account the connection that exists between the educational planning and the interventions carried out over time. The teaching explores some issues useful for defining the educational system between 0-6 years old. The key topics of the course are useful to design quality educational experiences, the curriculum, the educational relationship (adult-child, peer to peer and peer to adult), the space-time environment, the game. The course includes tools to identify information, design, documents and narrate the educational experience: concept maps, the interview, the questionnaire, the focus group, the logbook, the observation and exploration of the space.
The teaching illustrates the basic elements of planning for children from 0 to 3 years old and defines macro and micro-design formats. In the perspective of educational continuity and of the vertical curriculum, some quality practices and action research paths are presented in the framework of the First cycle of Education.

Core Documentation

Books for the exam
- Anna Bondioli, Donatella Savio (2018).Educare l’Infanzia. Temi chiave per i servizi 0-6. Roma: Carocci.
- Emilia Restiglian (2012). Progettare al nido. Teorie e pratiche educative. Carocci: Roma.
- Giovanni Moretti (a cura di) (2003). Pratiche di qualità e ricerca-azione. Costruire la scuola dell’autonomia. Roma: Anicia.

Type of delivery of the course

Teaching organization methods: lectures Basic course (6 ECTS): 36 hours of lectures. Lessons start: first semester, 3 October 2018. Class timetable: at the new teaching center in via Principe Amedeo, n. 184, plan I. Wednesday from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm, aula9 Thursday from 12.00 pm to 2.00 pm, aula9

Type of evaluation

Formative: written educational tests will be administered with a function of self-evaluation and reflection on the issues dealt with in the Basic Course. Final assessment: oral interview the proof of profit is unique, takes place in the form of an oral interview.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The course aims to provide useful elements for the design, implementation and evaluation of educational and evaluative projects and interventions in educational contexts for children, through the use of appropriate educational and teaching strategies and methodologies aimed at the full development of potential, respecting the times and styles of growth and learning of each childe. It is also proposed to promote the use of IT tools and new technologies for the elaboration of an ePortfolio as a tool for the reflection and self-evaluation of the educational path of future educators.

Core Documentation

Basic course: (4 UFC)
The lessons in presence will cover topics related to the following texts:
1. Catarsi E., Fortunati A. (2017). Educare al nido. Metodi di lavoro nei servizi per l’infanzia. Roma: Carocci
2. Mantovani S., Siva C., Freschi E. (2016). Didattica e nido d’infanzia. Metodi e pratiche d’intervento educativo. Parma: edizioni junior.

Online course: (2 UFC)

The online path consists of the construction activities of an ePortfolio on the Mahara platform platform

Type of delivery of the course

The Course is structured in presence and at distance (blended).

Type of evaluation

Evidence of profit is an oral test about texts and on the online activities.