The laboratory aims to promote the acquisition of practical knowledge and operational skills related to observation as a technique for detecting childhood behavior, with particular reference to communicative and linguistic behavior.


teacher profile | teaching materials


The laboratory provides lectures and exercises, in groups and individuals, in presence and at a distance, on the use of observation of child behavior in educational contexts with the presentation of tools for the analysis and evaluation of communicative and linguistic development.

Core Documentation

Aureli T., Perucchini P., Osservare e valutare il comportamento del bambino, il Mulino, Bologna 2014 (capitolo 2)
Other materials will be indicated during lectures.

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures, exercises in groups and individuals, work in presence and at a distance, simulation of direct and indirect observation of communicative and linguistic development.

Type of evaluation

The exam consists of a written part (an essay) and an oral interview. Following the adoption of the legislation on social distancing and the fight against COVID-19, as per DR n. 703, the exams take place at a distance. The paper consists of an observation project and the drafting of a communicative-linguistic profile. More detailed information on the Formonline platform. The oral will take place with an audio-video connection through Teams. Booked students will be distributed in shifts according to the number of booked. Other organizational indications will be published on the Formonline platform at the expiry of the bookings for each appeal and communicated via GOMP. Students are required to follow all the instructions and make the necessary simulations well in advance by following the information on the Student Portal http://portalestudente.uniroma3.it/accedi/area-riservata-docenti/istruzioni-docenti/esami-di-profitto/