22910144 - General education

The course aims to acquire the basic scientific-disciplinary skills aimed at identifying the educational-training models and the relative modes of intervention. To develop the student's awareness and critical knowledge of the changes in pedagogical theories, linked to the social, economic, institutional and cultural processes of a given historical moment. To identify the complementarity of processes in a complex society where education, educational institutions and training institutions are closely involved.
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Pedagogical Innovation in a knowledge society: policies of cooperation and new educational and training scenarios
The course aims to outline the conceptual framework for analysis and reflection on the role of education in late modernity. They will be provided the methodological tools to read the complexity of the educational and training development and the main theoretical systems interpretative. The general pedagogy can be identified as the discipline of individual and collective development, which more than others, communicating with the sociology and economics, may develop possible answers and highlight problematic aspects paradoxical innovation and contrast inequalities.
The course will focus on the size and theoretical reflection on the socio-educational scenarios to present in particular the following approaches: educational and training policies for Economic Cooperation and Development (with regard to the action of international organizations such as UNESCO, etc.); scenarios of lifelong learning in Europe and new applications for education/training; the educational dimensions of the approach to habitat capability in social and educational (Nussbaum, Sen).
The course is divided into three modules of 10 hours each for a total of 30 hours. Within each module there will be a Planning Training workshop on issues related to the module itself. During the workshop a work on collaborative design will be started and it will form part of the exam.

Area 1
• Fundamental paradigms of the pedagogical thinking of the challenge of late modernity. Education as a “common good”
• Workshop “Reading Documents International and European on Continuing Education (Agenda 2030 Unesco News and Skills Agenda of the European Commission)”
Area 2
• The pedagogy facing the issue of human development: the learnfare, emotion and development, poetic justice
• The foundations of the Capability approach of M.C. Nussbaum: capabilities and educational welfare
• Workshop: “The capability approach in adult education”
Area 3
• The European scenarios of life long learning and new training needs
• Workshop “Write a training project, methods, techniques, evaluation”

* Part of the program is dedicated to early childhood and to applications to educational settings for children.

Core Documentation

Reference books
- Alessandrini G. (a cura di) (2016), Nuovo Manuale per l’esperto dei processi formativi. Canoni teorico-metodologici, Carocci, Roma (Cap. 1, 2, 4, 6)
- Alessandrini G. (2014), La “pedagogia” di Martha Nussbaum. Approccio alle capacità e sfide educative, Franco Angeli, Milano
- Baldacci M., Colicchi E. (2016), Teoria e prassi in pedagogia. Questioni epistemologiche, Carocci, Roma

Books of your choice (One book):
- Alessandrini G. (a cura di) (2017), El enfoque de las capacidades: ¿Una teoría pedagógica?, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Casilla
- Alessandrini G. (2013), La formazione al centro dello sviluppo umano. Crescita, lavoro, innovazione, Giuffrè, Milano
- Alessandrini G., D’Agnese V. (2013), L’apprendimento permanente e lo sviluppo del territorio, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce
- Nussbaum M.C. (2010), Non per profitto. Perché le democrazie hanno bisogno della cultura umanistica, Il Mulino, Bologna
- Nussbaum M.C. (2012), Giustizia poetica. Immaginazione letteraria e vita civile, Mimesis, Milano
- Baldacci M. (2012), Trattato di pedagogia generale, Carocci, Roma, 2012
* Oppure potrà essere concordato con il docente la scelta di un classico della pedagogia

Reference Bibliography

A reference bibliography will be provided at the beginning of the Course in the second semester.

Type of delivery of the course

The Course will consist of two weekly meetings with theoretical modules and workshop modules. The course includes the development of a Project Work on issues of the Course. Information for foreign students: Foreign Students may substitute the recommended books with others, after meeting with the Professor, but inherent in principle with the theoretical and methodological areas of the program.


Attendance is optional but advisable for a better understanding of the Course contents.

Type of evaluation

The final exam consists of an oral interview with the aim of ascertaining the actual acquisition of the expected contents.