The course is aimed to promote the knowledge and development of critical thinking on the organizational dimension in work contexts. Acquisition of methods and methodologies aimed at detecting the organizational culture. In-depth analysis of motivational theories and the role of emotions in organizational contexts. Ability to manage decision-making processes and their interaction with the emotions in organizational contexts. Knowledge of the tools and methodologies aimed at detecting and enahncing job satisfaction. Planning, implementing and evaluating health promotion and wellbeing interventions within organizational contexts. Comprehension of emerging issues in organizational culture and problem solving. Comprehension of scientific evidence in this area and communication as well as application of this knowledge in organizational fields.
Acquisition of a tecnical-scientific language in English.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Type of evaluation

The final evaluation will be carried out through an oral exam with minimum three questions on the topics included in the course programme. The exam will take place through an audio-video conference with the use of the Microsoft Teams software.