The course aims to provide an highly specialized knowledge about the main historical and artistic phenomena in Rome during the early modern age, investigated under the different aspects of the historical context, the historiography of the art history, and the stylistic analysis. At the end of the course, the student should be able to present the contents learned through the frontal lectures, the reading of the bibliography and the visits to the artistic monuments, with clarity and competence, demonstrating the ability to relate, through an independent judgment and a critical awareness, different historical and artistic phenomena in Rome in the early modern age.
teacher profile | teaching materials



The course will consider main pictorial sacred decorations in Rome in the Cinquecento (starting from Paul III's to Paul V's pontificate), particularly in oratories, churches and chapels. These spaces will be investigated under the aspect of the painters, the patronage and the artistic conception, with a special focus on the cultural, political and religious propaganda. Visits to Roman monuments will be part of the course.

Core Documentation


Sacred Patronage:

Federico Zeri, Pittura e controriforma. L’arte senza tempo di Scipione Pulzone da Gaeta, Torino 1957 (o successive edizioni).

C. Robertson, Il Gran Cardinale. Alessandro Farnese Patron of the Arts, New Haven – Yale 1992, pp. 149-206.

C. Robertson, Rome 1600. The city and the visual arts under Clement VIII, New Haven – Yale 2015, pp. 19-56; 183-280.

P. Prodi, Introduzione, in Arte e Pietà nella Chiesa Tridentina, Bologna 2014.


E. D. Valente, Nuovi documenti per l’Oratorio di San Giovanni Decollato a Roma, in “Bollettino d’arte”, 2014, pp. 51-72.

M. G. Bernardini, L’oratorio del Gonfalone. Il ciclo cinquecentesco della Passione di Cristo, Cinisello Balsamo 2002, pp. 19-44; 51-115.

J. von Henneberg, L’oratorio dell’Arciconfraternita del Santissimo Crocifisso di San Marcello, Roma 1974, pp. 11-83.

R. Eitel-Porter, The Oratorio del SS. Crocifisso in Rome revisited, in “The Burlington Magazine”, Oct. 2000, pp. 613-623.


S. F. Ostrow, L’arte dei papi. La politica delle immagini nella Roma della Controriforma, Roma 2002, pp. 19-228.

C. Franceschini, Ricerche sulle cappelle di famiglia a Roma in età moderna, in “Archivio Italiano per la storia della pietà”, 2002, pp. 345-513.

P. Tosini, New Documents for the Chronology and Patronage of the Cappella del Rosario in Santa Maria sopra Minerva, in “The Burlington Magazine”, 2010, pp. 517-522.


D. Ferrara, Artisti e committenze alla Chiesa Nuova in La Regola e la Fama, catalogo della mostra Roma, pp. 108-129.

S. Barchiesi, San Filippo Neri e l’iconografia mariana della Chiesa Nuova, in La Regola e la Fama, catalogo della mostra Roma, pp. 130-149.

H. Hibbard, Ut pictura sermones: le prime decorazioni dipinte al Gesù, in R. Wittkower e I. Jaffe, Architettura e arte dei Gesuiti, Milano 1972, pp. 30-43.

G. A. Bailey, Between Renaisance and Baroque: Jesuit Art in Rome. 1565-1610, Toronto 2009, pp. 187-260.

For downloading the bibliography in pdf and the slides of the course, please refer to this web page:


Type of delivery of the course

Taught classes and visits to artistic Roman monuments.


The attendance to the course is not mandatory, even if recommended.

Type of evaluation

The exam will be oral and will test the knowledge of the topics developed during the course.