Quality Office

The university’s Quality Office is an internal body that promotes the culture of quality throughout the university, in terms of both teaching and research.

For the precise technical functions of the Quality Office, please refer to the university and course periodic accreditation guidelines published by the Link identifier #identifier__120943-1National University and Research Assessment Agency (ANVUR).

For the composition and documentation of the Quality Office of Roma Tre University, please consult the Italian section of this website.

Quality Office Activities

The university’s Quality Office supervises and monitors Quality Assurance (QA) processes, promotes continuous quality improvement, supports the university departments and governing bodies in the management of QA processes.


Quality Office Secretariat
Via Ostiense, 161 – 00154, Rome
Tel.: (+39) 0657332304
Fax: (+39) 0657332155
E-mail: presidio.qualita@uniroma3.it

Informazioni di sistema 12 February 2024