The design studio’s goals for the building construction design are to increase the students awareness of the complex transformation process of an architectural idea in a real building. The student competence to create coherence regarding content and design subject is our main aims.


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The Design Studio 2M starts from a project developed in the Design Studio 1M and works on deepening or discovering its tectonic qualities, thanks to the interaction with the contributions of building technology, cost engineering and energy simulation that all concurr to the definition of constructive solutions and utimately to architectural quality.

Core Documentation

W. Benjamin (1936), L'opera d'arte nell'epoca della sua riproducibilità tecnica,
Einaudi, MIlano

F. Cellini (1999), “catene evolutive”
in: Ricerche di Storia dell’arte n. 69, Gangemi editore, Roma

M. Gargano (2006), Forma e materia. «Ratiocinatio e fabrica» nell'architettura e nell'età moderna,
Officina Edizioni, Roma

S. Poretti (2008), Modernismi italiani,
Gangemi Editore, Roma

P. Desideri, A. De Magistris, C. Olmo, M. Pogacnik, S. Sorace (2013), La concezione strutturale,
Allemandi & Co, Torino

M. G. Grasso Cannizzo, S. Marini (ed.) (2014), Loose Ends,
Lars Müller Publishers, Zurigo

A. Caruso, H. Thomas (2014), Asnago Vender and the Construction of Modern Milan,
E T H Honggerberg Zurich, Zurigo

L. Ciccarelli (2017), Renzo Piano prima di Renzo Piano,
Quodlibet Habitat, Macerata

Reference Bibliography

W. Benjamin (1936), L'opera d'arte nell'epoca della sua riproducibilità tecnica, Einaudi, MIlano F. Cellini (1999), “catene evolutive” in: Ricerche di Storia dell’arte n. 69, Gangemi editore, Roma M. Gargano (2006), Forma e materia. «Ratiocinatio e fabrica» nell'architettura e nell'età moderna, Officina Edizioni, Roma S. Poretti (2008), Modernismi italiani, Gangemi Editore, Roma Il volume è parte di una collana, tutta interessante, a cura del prof. Poretti presso l’editore Gangemi, che ha come titolo “Architettura e Costruzione”. P. Desideri, A. De Magistris, C. Olmo, M. Pogacnik, S. Sorace (2013), La concezione strutturale, Allemandi & Co, Torino M. G. Grasso Cannizzo, S. Marini (ed.) (2014), Loose Ends, Lars Müller Publishers, Zurigo A. Caruso, H. Thomas (2014), Asnago Vender and the Construction of Modern Milan, E T H Honggerberg Zurich, Zurigo L. Ciccarelli (2017), Renzo Piano prima di Renzo Piano, Quodlibet Habitat, Macerata

Type of delivery of the course

The Design Studio hosts lectures, including guest lecturers as well as a traditional activities of design revisions, conducted as much as possible in conjuction with the other professors of the Studio as a whole, in order to share problems and possibily their solutions and not leave students alone in that sense. The aim is to help them reach a synthesis of technical issues towards their architectural solution through an "informed form". In that sense, the studio as a whole introduces the BIM technology, as a support to production of drawings, perspectives and data that are requested all across the class duration, in order to, again, provide them with an instrument that support a synthetic view on the design.


attendance is mandatory

Type of evaluation

The Studio evaluates the final design, by looking at the process that evolved it from the original outcome of the previous studio, and looking at how much the final architectural output, and possibily its quality, is the result of a efficient synthesis of the technical issues introduced and developed in the studio. Two sets of documentation are used for final evaluation: - a "design book" in A3/presentation format, where Architectural Design is presented as synthesis of all technical contributions of the Studio Modules, showing its relationships and cultural position within their topics; - a set of technical drawings, at appropriate scales, simulating a detail level close to Construction Documentation / RIBA Stage 4. The set contains the conventional 2D representations (plans, sections, elevations, details) aside 3D representations aimed at showing construction consistency and architectural impact of the "detailed design" choices; Both sets are revisioned all along the semester, since the design book is the base for public presentation of the projects to the teaching body, while drwings are the base for individual revisions, and significant extracts are also selected and published in the book. Drawings have to be sumbitted in a pre-exam evaluation in order for the group to be admitted to the final exam. The final exam is an oral colloquim with every single group based on the book presentation, and the evaluation of PDF developed by single students as personal assignments. Those drawings, already evaluated in the pre-exam session, are submitted one day in advance to the colloquium date. The teaching body then takes its time to develop the final judgment on each group work and a single evaluation for their components.

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The laboratory is proposed as an integrated course between several specialized aspects:
- construction technology,
- mechanical design,
- economic evaluation of the project.
The laboratorio is coordinated with the laboratorio 1M: students, who have developed their project up to preliminary level, during this semester will continue the process of development especially from a construction, mechanical and economic point of view.
The objective of the laboratory is to let the student experience the methodological and theoretical aspects of the architectural project as a synthesis of skills and specialisms of various nature and origin.

The student, after having elaborated a preliminary project in the previous laboratory, will have to deepen all the arrangements during this workshop, so as to be able to draw up a definitive project capable of being eventually tendered, that is complete with a very wide range of characteristics and detailed elements .

During the course of the workshop, in a series of weekly revisions, the student will study the various assets of the project starting from a self-assessment of the same according to a feasibility sheet provided at the beginning of the laboratory.

The deepening of the building carried out through the coordination of a series of project systems:

- the structural system
- the infrastructural/mechanical system
- ground attack
- the base and ground system
- the roof system
- the system of interior spaces
- the economic control of design choices
- the drafting of the project specifications through the collection of the details of the producers

Core Documentation

In the initial phase of the laboratory, during a series of lectures, a series of case studies will be analyzed, which can be used as a guideline for the design.
Subsequently, a series of specific references relating to the various aspects of the case studies projects will be provided.

These references will be available by accessing a shared Google drive of the Laboratorio.

For the detailed definition of the building project it is required that students acquire the specifications and construction guidelines of all the building components used

Reference Bibliography

General references: B. Zevi, L. Zevi, C. Mancosu (a cura di), il Nuovissimo Manuale dell'Architetto, serie I grandi manuali, Editore mancosu, Roma 2017 Architectural graphic Standards, 12th edition, American Institute of Architects, D.J. Hall e N.M. Giglio, Wiley, March 2016 For informations on construction details, students must acquire specifications and construction guidelines of all the building components used from manufacturers For detailed information on buildings it is advisable to refer to the magazine DETAIL, whose issues can be consulted at our department library

Type of delivery of the course

The Laboratorio is structured in a first phase with a cycle of lectures whose aim is to provide a basic knowledge of the design theme of the laboratory and to deepen the aspects related to the architectural project to be developed. In the first part of the workshop each student is asked: a) to carry out self-evaluation of their completed project in laboratory 1M according to a series of requirements summarized in a feasibility sheet; b) to modify the preliminary project completed in the previous laboratory, in order to incorporate the set of new requirements. c) to investigate the structural aspects as defined at the end of the previous laboratory 1M d) proceed with the verification of the mechanical infrastructures in agreement with the indications of the professor of technical physics e) set the constructive and technological part with the reference teacher in construction f) to prepare the project for the economic evaluation activity within the proposed module The verification of this preliminary work is done in a series of individual revisions. Subsequently, the project elaboration work proceeds according to a series of progress states that are, time to time and verified in subsequent revisions, in which the student must show how the architectural project evolves and is able to synthesize the various specialist components. At the end of each block of the development phase, a general review of all the aspects of the project is held, to check the progress of the work and the compliance with the required requirements. Students will carry out a part of the work in an independent form and a part during the workshop being able to benefit from revisions upon request. In the final phase of the workshop, the activity will be mainly to review the projects and refine its various aspects, according to a set of two-dimensional and three-dimensional drawings aimed at illustrating the various aspects and details of the project.


Although attendance is compulsory for 75% of the hours, students are advised to be present especially during the laboratory hours dedicated to collective revisions of the project

Type of evaluation

Final exams will be held online using ZOOM platform. The Laboratory is organized through a certain number of revisions, both divided by teaching and of general matter, aimed at verifying the level of effective understanding of the concepts and the ability of the students in relation to the project themes. During the semester at least two general revisions will be fixed to be carried out jointly with the teachers of the courses that contribute to the design laboratory The final exam takes place in a single test during which the student with his project presentation is required to show synthesis skills regarding the components of the laboratory, student presentations should be uploaded at least 48 hours before in the Lab Google Drive, link to the folder will be mailed through Moodle.