The course provides the tools for understanding the formative, typological and construction characters of the city, the purpose of a conscious action of recovery, transformation or restoration, through the structural and architectural survey and the subsequent critical and philological analysis of the urban fabric.
teacher profile teaching materials
Knowledge of the city is achieved by means of questions about its composition, its history, its becoming; by means of interdisciplinary theoretical and practical research about the enhancement of the existing city.
In the course will be discussed about the character training, typological and constructional of the historic city and then up to the scale of the building and its construction characteristics, so as to deepen their knowledge of technological components and structural of the pre-modern heritage.
There will be a practical exercise on a given topic that will be developed at different representation scales: it will cover initially the entire historic center of Rome down to the size of neighborhood and a single street.
Through this project, students will have the opportunity to test the ability of interpretation and reading of historical buildings: starting from the architectural survey and the subsequent critical and philological analysis of the historic center of Rome, in order to acquire the methodology for a correct intervention of recovery, transformation or restoration.
A.Giuffré: Letture sulla Meccanica delle Murature Storiche, Edizioni Kappa, Roma 1991.
A.Giuffré: La meccanica nell’architettura, La Nuova Italia Scientifica, Roma 1986.
The course is given through a synergy between three different but complementary disciplines such as restoration, design and strength of materials that will arise in relation to a common theme: the study and interpretation of the existing city.Knowledge of the city is achieved by means of questions about its composition, its history, its becoming; by means of interdisciplinary theoretical and practical research about the enhancement of the existing city.
In the course will be discussed about the character training, typological and constructional of the historic city and then up to the scale of the building and its construction characteristics, so as to deepen their knowledge of technological components and structural of the pre-modern heritage.
There will be a practical exercise on a given topic that will be developed at different representation scales: it will cover initially the entire historic center of Rome down to the size of neighborhood and a single street.
Through this project, students will have the opportunity to test the ability of interpretation and reading of historical buildings: starting from the architectural survey and the subsequent critical and philological analysis of the historic center of Rome, in order to acquire the methodology for a correct intervention of recovery, transformation or restoration.
Core Documentation
G.Cangi: “Manuale del recupero strutturale antisismico”, edizioni dei, Roma 2005.A.Giuffré: Letture sulla Meccanica delle Murature Storiche, Edizioni Kappa, Roma 1991.
A.Giuffré: La meccanica nell’architettura, La Nuova Italia Scientifica, Roma 1986.
Reference Bibliography
G.Cangi: “Manuale del recupero strutturale antisismico”, edizioni dei, Roma 2005. A.Giuffré: Letture sulla Meccanica delle Murature Storiche, Edizioni Kappa, Roma 1991. A.Giuffré: La meccanica nell’architettura, La Nuova Italia Scientifica, Roma 1986.Type of delivery of the course
Frontal lessons, classroom exercises, numerical simulations.Attendance
By attending the lectures and , in particular, making the exercises, the student can verify, the acquired level of knowledge.Type of evaluation
Oral exam with discussion of the drawings and of the numerical simulations.