Among the first tasks, so that the project has completed development, you have to know what a "Feasibility Study". It aims to verify the general assumptions and conditions of the context in which it intends to develop the project initiative. To it, then, the task of building a framework for the subsequent need for further study. The areas of the Feasibility Study will include:
• technical feasibility;
• environmental compatibility;
• financial sustainability;
• economic and social convenience;
• Risk and sensitivity analysis (possible changes);
• implementation procedures.


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Design Workshop 2M will involve in-depth analysis of the design experience which was completed in Workshop 1M.
This in-depth analysis will relate to detailed design aspects, construction techniques, and the use of materials in line with the design choices that characterised the first phase.
Students will be asked to develop a part of the project, which has been deemed significant, by investigating aspects of construction - paying particular attention to technical and economic feasibility without losing sight of compositional consistency with regards to the first semester project.
Therefore this work should not be considered as the "engineering" of a project which has already been developed, but as an extension of the design research, which could also lead to a profound revision of what has already been produced.

Core Documentation

“Il nuovissimo Manuale dell’ Architetto”, Mancosu Editore Roma 2019
F.Cellini “ Manualetto norme tecniche costruttive e grafiche”, Ed. Citta’ Studi, Milano 1991
R.Koolhass “ Elements of Architecture”, Taschen 2018

Reference Bibliography

L.Salerno,L.Spezzaferro,M.Tafuri “Via Giulia”, Staderini Roma 1973 P.O. Rossi “ Roma guida all’ Architettura Moderna 1909- 2011”, Laterza Bari 2012 I. De Guttry “ Guida di Roma Moderna dal1870 ad oggi” , De Luca Roma 2001 F.Cellini C.D’Amato “ Mario Ridolfi.Manuale delle tecniche tradizionali del costruire. Il ciclo delle Marmore”, Electa Milano 1996 G.Muratore “Italia: gli ultimi trent’anni .Guida all’architettura moderna”,Zanichelli Bologna 1988 S.Poretti “Modernismi italiani,architettura e costruzione nelnovecento” ,Gangemi Roma 2008 Riviste specializzate: Domus, Casabella, Spazio ( recentemente digitalizzata dalla biblioteca del Dipartimento) L’Industria delle Costruzioni, Costruire in laterizio.

Type of delivery of the course

The course includes: A- Traditional lectures on topics related to the design exercise covered by the Workshop. B- Exercises during which students will be required to present the results of their research to the class using PPT slides with images. C- Conferences with expert visiting Professors and Architects In case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented.

Type of evaluation

Assessment takes place via critical analysis of the requested documentation and an oral test on the topics dealt with during the Workshop. Assessment factors are: A- Quality of project B- Quality of drafting C- Student awareness of adopted procedures. The minimum designs required for the design section are: Detailed plans, elevations and sections of the part being studied to the following scales - 1:100/1:50/1:20 In case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented.

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The aim of the Design Studio is to develop the final design for an office building in the Ostiense area of Rome, which will be defined in its preliminary design during the Design Studio 1M (Fall semester).
The didactic is divided in four seminars which correspond to the different disciplines converging in the Design Studio:
1_redefinition and in-depth study of the project with specific evaluation of economic and financial aspects;
2- in-depth study of design aspects related to plant design, energy assessment and development of bioclimatic solutions;
3- redefinition and in-depth study of the architectural and distributive aspects of the building;
4- in-depth study of technological and construction solutions, in particular related to the development of bioclimatic solutions for the building’s envelope.
In the last part of the Design Studio students will be asked to synthetize the results of the four seminars into their final work.

Core Documentation

P. Desideri (1978), "Pier Luigi Nervi", Zanichelli, Bologna
P. Desideri (1995), "La città di latta", Costa & Nolan, Genova
P. Desideri (2002), "Ex-city", Meltemi, Roma
P. Desideri (2004), "International Style?", Meltemi, Roma

Reference Bibliography

P.Desideri (2003), Progettare la complessità, in Casabella 710 P.Desideri (2006), Architettura versus Engineering, in DOMUS 888 P.Desideri (2010), Progettare in una città enigmatica e sgangherata, in AR 87/10 P.Desideri (2013), La Nervi&Bartoli spa(1947-1961). La creatività applicata all'industria delle costruzioni.

Type of delivery of the course

Students will work in small groups (3 people max.) on the final design starting from the project developed during the Design Studio 1M. Each seminar comprises lectures, group work, desk critics, guest professors’ lectures, on site visits to projects relevant to the topic of the design studio. At the end of each seminar student groups will be asked to submit panels describing the state of progress of their work which will be evaluated. The professor’s evaluation of each project will be discussed with all students during a collective seminar. N.B. In case of extension of COVID-19 emergency measures the Design Studio will be held in accordance with restrictive provisions. In particular, the following methods will be applied: - lectures via Microsoft Teams platform - design studio activities (individual reviews, submissions and intermediate critics) via Microsoft Teams platform.


Attendance to the design is mandatory. To access the final exam students must have successfully submitted their work at the end of all four seminars.

Type of evaluation

The final exam consists in the presentation of the project described through a set of final panels. All students are required to submit 6-8 panels describing the evolution of the project and the results of the final synthesis work. Positive evaluation will be given to the projects that will demonstrate adequate and integrated development of all the design aspects addressed during the semester. N.B. In case of extension of COVID-19 emergency measures the Design Studio will be held in accordance with restrictive provisions. In particular, the following method will be applied: - final exam via Microsoft Teams platform