Deepening the skills in planning and design of urban and territorial space, urban sustainability and climate adaptation of settlements on different scales.
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The course “Innovations in planning” is made up of two modules: Urban Regeneration and Sustainability and climate adaptation.
The module Urban Regeneration will deal with the issues and with the most useful tools of urban and regional management, with particular reference to the integrated approaches considering jointly physical aspects (brownfields recovery, public spaces redevelopment , urban expansions), social issues and environmental aspects of urban settlements.
A particular attention will be given to cooperative tools amongst various public administrations and to collaborative tools between public and private subjects ( the so called Complex Plans and Urban Regeneration Programs) that nowadays represent the most innovative forms of city management in Italy.
The Sustainability and climate adaptation module of the course will explain the various urban issues caused by climate change, exploring the experiences of climate adaptation carried out by European cities (Copenhagen, Rotterdam, London, Stockholm) and Italian cities (Bologna) to increase urban resilience, with particular reference to those seeking to reduce flood risks, to reduce heat island effects, to ensure the efficiency of public transport, to protect green areas and biodiversity.
The course “Innovations in planning” will activate forms of coordination with the Degree Laboratory “Resilient City, Resilient Society”

Core Documentation

Beato F. (1998), Rischio e mutamento ambientale globale. FrancoAngeli
Beck U. ( 2000) La società del rischio. Carocci
Bobbio R. ed alii (2008), Urbanistica Creativa, progettare l'innovazione nella città. Maggioli
Carfree Cities - http://www.carfree.com/
Cecchini D, Castelli G (2012), Città Sostenibili. Gangemi
Menoni S (1997) Pianificazione e incertezza. FrancoAngeli

Type of delivery of the course

The course includes a series of ex cathedra communications, followed by some thematic meetings with external speakers on issues of importance in the governance of the territory, and by a third phase in which each student will present, in a contradictory dialogue with the audience, the topic chosen by him to produce the thesis to be taken for examination.

Type of evaluation

The evaluation will take place individually and will focus on the presentation during the examination of the thesis developed on the topic agreed during the lessons. It is desirable that the study topic contributes to give theoretical support to the development of the degree thesis.