21010034 - LAB - Learning from Abroad

The workshop has the triple objective of:
- to refine and deepen the ability to read and operate in the urban fabric at different scales;
- to acquire familiarity with the redevelopment of degraded urban areas in a context characterised by pre-existing buildings to be enhanced.
- To develop a greater awareness of how the effectiveness of a single intervention is directly proportional to its ability to integrate into a broader framework.
The objective will be achieved by working on a specific part of the city, chosen in order to stimulate understanding of how the complexity of the context and the constraints imposed by the pre-existences and their interpretation play a key role in the contemporary design process.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The site chosen for the study is an area defined by the Rome City Master Plan, identified as "Ambito di valorizzazione B10 Porta Portese - Arsenale Pontificio".
The area is bounded by the Tiber embankment, the Sublicio and Testaccio bridges and the Via Portuense.
The project theme is the general redevelopment of this urban area, starting with the settlement of the headquarters of the Quadriennale di Roma in the area of the former “Arsenale Pontificio” according to the redevelopment project ofInsula architettura e ingegneria and thus involving the other areas and buildings included within the perimeter of the redevelopment area.
The area is strongly characterised by these buildings: today, they are often occupied without any title, clogged with dilapidated structures and used for improper activities which are incompatible with the architectural, testimonial and environmental quality of the area.
The project will provide:
- the recovery of valuable buildings and the replacement or demolition of incongruous buildings distributed between Via Portuense and the banks of the Tiber;
- the reorganisation and rationalisation of open-air commercial activities linked to the Porta Portese Sunday market with the aim of giving Via Portuense the role of urban street.

Core Documentation

Thematic lectures and interventions by personalities and scholars involved in the transformation process of the area are planned.

Reference Bibliography

- Giovanni Caudo – ex assessore all’Urbanistica - docente universitario; tema: Ambito di Valorizzazione PRG - Luca Montuori – ex Assessore all’Urbanistica - docente universitario, tema: Ambito di Valorizzazione PRG - Giò Lantieri – Roma Capitale – Responsabile del procedimento dell’Ambito di Valorizzazione Porta Portese - Alessia Guerrieri – Funzionario Mibact - Area Porta Portese - Carlo Gasparrini – docente universitario in Urbanistica - Paolo Orsini - architetto, Insula architettura e ingegneria; tema: progetto Arsenale Pontificio - Paola Cannavò - architetto, Presidente Agenda Tevere; tema: Contratto di Fiume Tevere - Laura Clerici - La voce di Porta Portese: Tema - Maya Segarra Lagunes – docente universitario – Il Tevere e Roma - Gian Maria Tosatti - direttore artistico Quadriennale; tema: la Quadriennale e le possibili ricadute sull’area

Type of delivery of the course

Oral exam and project evaluation. In the case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented.


Students must attend at the least the 75% of lessons to be admitted to the final exam

Type of evaluation

The workshop will consist of two phases: - A first choral phase, in which a shared urban project will be developed, will identify some areas that will be subject to in-depth intervention; - a second phase in which the students, having selected one of the areas, will develop a project at the scale of the building.