The course explores in depth a meaningful chapter of the history of culture, which is a pivotal element of the education and the profession of architects. The course sets two primary objectives:
1. To improve the critical knowledge of the early modern architecture
2. To offer theoretical, methodological and technical tools to reading the architectural heritage.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21010055 ROMA E IL RINASCIMENTO in Scienze dell'architettura L-17 MATTEI FRANCESCA


The course belongs to the category of elective courses and is therefore conceived as an in-depth study of some topics dealt with in the institutional courses of architectural history. The lessons will be dedicated to the history of architecture in Rome in the 16th century, which will be treated in the framework of Europe in the early modern age. The theme of the course for the year 2022-2023 is the Roman palace of the sixteenth century, which will be treated in the context of the Italian Renaissance palace by means of comparative and monographic lessons, adopting different methodologies, ranging from the investigation of material culture, the study of construction techniques, the analysis of drawings, to the reading of documents and primary sources. The course will be characterised by a didactic approach aimed at emphasising the relationship between the history of architecture and other disciplines (first and foremost the history of art, the history of economics and the history of literature), and between the different scales of the project (from the single monument, to the city, to the landscape).
The course is open to students of all Bachelor and Master degree courses.

Definition of the palace; origins of the Roman palace; palaces by Bramante; palazzetto; palaces by Raphael; Farnese palace from Antonio da Sangallo the Younger to Michelangelo; Baldassarre Peruzzi before and after the Sack; painted facades; Giulio Roma from Rome to Mantua; from the Sack to sixteenth-century Europe.

Core Documentation

- Il Quattrocento, ed. F.P. Fiore, Milano 1998
- Il primo Cinquecento, ed. A. Bruschi, Milano 2002
- Il secondo Cinquecento, eds. C. Conforti, R.J. Tuttle, Milano 2001

Type of delivery of the course

The course consists of twelve seminar lectures. Lectures, the programme of which will be communicated at the beginning of the course, and on-site lectures are planned. The preparation of an in-depth individual study is planned. Each student must choose and analyse a palace built in Rome in the period of the Italian wars (1490-1560). The exercise consists of the following parts 1. preparation of a sketchbook containing photos and sketches of the chosen building. The drawings and photos must be made by the candidate. 2. bibliography on the chosen building. The bibliography is intended as a list of written and iconographic sources and specialist texts. It should include at least 10 titles, compiled according to the editorial rules provided by the teacher. The theme of the exercise must be agreed with the professor. Details of the exercise will be made available in a vademecum at the beginning of the course. The exercise must be submitted to the professor at least one week before the date of the examination. Failure to hand in the exercise or to follow the instructions given will result in the exam not being taken. Delivery instructions will be communicated during the course. Teaching support tools Students will be provided with the images projected during the course and a brochure containing instructions for the development of the individual exercise.


Attendance is compulsory for at least 75% of the lessons.

Type of evaluation

I will grade the individual exercise (50%) and the final oral examination (50%), which will be devoted to the topics covered during the course and the discussion of the bibliography. The examination will begin with a question on the individual exercise (which will have been assessed in advance by the lecturer) and will continue with two questions on the course programme. The questions will deal with the chronology of the buildings covered in class, the history of the building sites, the figures involved in the project (architects, clients, workers). During the examination, the students may be asked to draw plans and elevations of the buildings covered in the lecture. Preparation of the exercise is compulsory in order to sit the examination. The knowledge of the topics dealt with during the course is a prerequisite for a sufficient assessment of the final interview. A good critical capacity and the use of specific language will contribute to the grade. Active participation in the