GOALS of the course
The course aims to reach the following goals:
- to highlight the peculiariaties of the "Organization" as a field of study and the specialized studies of "Business Organization";
- to provide some essential cognitive elements for dealing with the study of organizational literature and its evolution;
- to develop and to deepen the main thematic areas which, according to the distinction adopted in the mainstream approach, refer to the teaching of Business Organization, i.e. organizational design. In particular, the following organizational design choices will be analyzed in detail: work organization, work processes (intra-organizational relationships design), business structures, information systems and organizational boundaries (inter-organizational relationships design).
- frame the problems of "human resourse management " (issues that are addressed in the organizational lectures of master's or graduate’s degree courses);
- offer to students the opportunity to take advantage of tools for the analysis of the reality and to improve their ability to intervene on realities, tackling the study of both texts (produced by important authors of organizational theory) and business cases that highlight organizational issues and practices adopted for their resolution.
The teaching will be addressed through traditional teaching methods (frontal lessons) useful for framing the complexity of the topics covered, accompanied by exercises, team and individual work carried out by the students, company testimonies and case analysis, aimed at presenting the student with the variety of concrete practices and to stimulate reflection on the articulation of the organizational choices to be faced.
The course aims to reach the following goals:
- to highlight the peculiariaties of the "Organization" as a field of study and the specialized studies of "Business Organization";
- to provide some essential cognitive elements for dealing with the study of organizational literature and its evolution;
- to develop and to deepen the main thematic areas which, according to the distinction adopted in the mainstream approach, refer to the teaching of Business Organization, i.e. organizational design. In particular, the following organizational design choices will be analyzed in detail: work organization, work processes (intra-organizational relationships design), business structures, information systems and organizational boundaries (inter-organizational relationships design).
- frame the problems of "human resourse management " (issues that are addressed in the organizational lectures of master's or graduate’s degree courses);
- offer to students the opportunity to take advantage of tools for the analysis of the reality and to improve their ability to intervene on realities, tackling the study of both texts (produced by important authors of organizational theory) and business cases that highlight organizational issues and practices adopted for their resolution.
The teaching will be addressed through traditional teaching methods (frontal lessons) useful for framing the complexity of the topics covered, accompanied by exercises, team and individual work carried out by the students, company testimonies and case analysis, aimed at presenting the student with the variety of concrete practices and to stimulate reflection on the articulation of the organizational choices to be faced.
teacher profile teaching materials
2. The organizational literature: an outline of the history of organizational thought
3. The organizational design choices (organizational design): the levels of analysis and intervention
4. Work design choices
4.1 A theoretical study: the analysis and discussion of the theory of the Scientific Management by Frederick Taylor
4.2 The reassembly of the divided work: the job redesign approach and the socio-technical approach
4.3 The post-Fordist approaches: Human Relation; Human Resource; socio-technical approach
4.4 The new forms of work organization: Industry 4.0 and Flexible work arrangements
5. Human Resources Management
5.1 Phases, activities and methodologies
5.2 Actors of the HRM
5.3 The analysis of positions: tools and methods adopted in business practice
6. Work process design choices (inter-organizational relations): post-Fordism solutions and organizational techniques
7. Design choices of the organizational structure (business structure)
7.1 The problem of choosing the "formal configuration" of the organization: the origins of the topic in the literature
7.2 Traditional organizational structures: the functional structure, the divisional structure (the M form), the matrix structure.
7.3 The "post-Fordist" organizational structures: the process structure, the modular structure, the internal network.
7.4 Business groups and Holding companies8. Design choices of organizational boundaries
8.1 The problem of the "boundaries" of the firm: origins and evolution of the literature on the subject
8.2 Outsourcing choices
8.3. Alliances and collaboration agreements between companies (motivations and contractual forms)
8.4 Business networks (outline)
1. Introduction: the characteristics of the field of study and the specificities of "Business Organization"2. The organizational literature: an outline of the history of organizational thought
3. The organizational design choices (organizational design): the levels of analysis and intervention
4. Work design choices
4.1 A theoretical study: the analysis and discussion of the theory of the Scientific Management by Frederick Taylor
4.2 The reassembly of the divided work: the job redesign approach and the socio-technical approach
4.3 The post-Fordist approaches: Human Relation; Human Resource; socio-technical approach
4.4 The new forms of work organization: Industry 4.0 and Flexible work arrangements
5. Human Resources Management
5.1 Phases, activities and methodologies
5.2 Actors of the HRM
5.3 The analysis of positions: tools and methods adopted in business practice
6. Work process design choices (inter-organizational relations): post-Fordism solutions and organizational techniques
7. Design choices of the organizational structure (business structure)
7.1 The problem of choosing the "formal configuration" of the organization: the origins of the topic in the literature
7.2 Traditional organizational structures: the functional structure, the divisional structure (the M form), the matrix structure.
7.3 The "post-Fordist" organizational structures: the process structure, the modular structure, the internal network.
7.4 Business groups and Holding companies8. Design choices of organizational boundaries
8.1 The problem of the "boundaries" of the firm: origins and evolution of the literature on the subject
8.2 Outsourcing choices
8.3. Alliances and collaboration agreements between companies (motivations and contractual forms)
8.4 Business networks (outline)
Core Documentation
The textbook is under revision. Additional readings will be posted online at the beginning of the courseType of delivery of the course
The course rely on a participatory approach, which includes the following types of classes: - traditional classes taught by the teacher; - classes led by students, planned in advance for the attending students; - seminars and guest speakers; - case studies and exercisesType of evaluation
The final exam consists in a written text with open ended questions. Attending students may receive a bonus depending on their project work realized during the courseCanali
Mutuazione: 21201530-2 ORGANIZZAZIONE AZIENDALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 (docente da definire)
Mutuazione: 21201530-2 ORGANIZZAZIONE AZIENDALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 (docente da definire)
teacher profile teaching materials
2. The organizational literature: an outline of the history of organizational thought
3. The organizational design choices (organizational design): the levels of analysis and intervention
4. Work design choices
4.1 A theoretical study: the analysis and discussion of the theory of the Scientific Management by Frederick Taylor
4.2 The reassembly of the divided work: the job redesign approach and the socio-technical approach
4.3 The post-Fordist approaches: Human Relation; Human Resource; socio-technical approach
4.4 The new forms of work organization: Industry 4.0 and Flexible work arrangements
5. Human Resources Management
5.1 Phases, activities and methodologies
5.2 Actors of the HRM
5.3 The analysis of positions: tools and methods adopted in business practice
6. Work process design choices (inter-organizational relations): post-Fordism solutions and organizational techniques
7. Design choices of the organizational structure (business structure)
7.1 The problem of choosing the "formal configuration" of the organization: the origins of the topic in the literature
7.2 Traditional organizational structures: the functional structure, the divisional structure (the M form), the matrix structure.
7.3 The "post-Fordist" organizational structures: the process structure, the modular structure, the internal network.
7.4 Business groups and Holding companies8. Design choices of organizational boundaries
8.1 The problem of the "boundaries" of the firm: origins and evolution of the literature on the subject
8.2 Outsourcing choices
8.3. Alliances and collaboration agreements between companies (motivations and contractual forms)
8.4 Business networks (outline)
Mutuazione: 21201530-2 ORGANIZZAZIONE AZIENDALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - L MARCHIORI MICHELA
1. Introduction: the characteristics of the field of study and the specificities of "Business Organization"2. The organizational literature: an outline of the history of organizational thought
3. The organizational design choices (organizational design): the levels of analysis and intervention
4. Work design choices
4.1 A theoretical study: the analysis and discussion of the theory of the Scientific Management by Frederick Taylor
4.2 The reassembly of the divided work: the job redesign approach and the socio-technical approach
4.3 The post-Fordist approaches: Human Relation; Human Resource; socio-technical approach
4.4 The new forms of work organization: Industry 4.0 and Flexible work arrangements
5. Human Resources Management
5.1 Phases, activities and methodologies
5.2 Actors of the HRM
5.3 The analysis of positions: tools and methods adopted in business practice
6. Work process design choices (inter-organizational relations): post-Fordism solutions and organizational techniques
7. Design choices of the organizational structure (business structure)
7.1 The problem of choosing the "formal configuration" of the organization: the origins of the topic in the literature
7.2 Traditional organizational structures: the functional structure, the divisional structure (the M form), the matrix structure.
7.3 The "post-Fordist" organizational structures: the process structure, the modular structure, the internal network.
7.4 Business groups and Holding companies8. Design choices of organizational boundaries
8.1 The problem of the "boundaries" of the firm: origins and evolution of the literature on the subject
8.2 Outsourcing choices
8.3. Alliances and collaboration agreements between companies (motivations and contractual forms)
8.4 Business networks (outline)
Core Documentation
The textbook is under revision. Additional readings will be posted online at the beginning of the courseType of delivery of the course
The course rely on a participatory approach, which includes the following types of classes: - traditional classes taught by the teacher; - classes led by students, planned in advance for the attending students; - seminars and guest speakers; - case studies and exercisesType of evaluation
The final exam consists in a written text with open ended questions. Attending students may receive a bonus depending on their project work realized during the courseMutuazione: 21201530-2 ORGANIZZAZIONE AZIENDALE in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 M - Z MARCHEGIANI LUCIA