In line with the educational objectives of the Degree Course in Economics and Business Management, the course promotes knowledge of the fundamental institutions of European Union law, through a logical-scientific and methodological approach to the matter, which allows students to acquire a solid base to deepen more specific areas and related disciplines - including those to be addressed in the master’s degree courses activated in the Department - and indispensable for their cultural and professional training.
It aims to provide the conceptual tools and reading keys useful to allow the understanding of the European Union legal order, that is not a simple International organization anymore nor a federation of States, yet. To this end, both during the course and in the study of the recommended texts, the use of the treaties (TUE and TFEU) articles is indispensable.
At the end of the course, the student will have:
- taken knowledge and become acquainted with the basic institutions of European Union law and with the fundamentals of European and national procedures;
- acquired a notional-theoretical apparatus and an appropriate technical language;
- developed a method of understanding the subject.


teacher profile | teaching materials


Historical Backgroud
The foundations of European Union law.
The main institutions (Council, European Council, Commission, European Parliament, Court of Justice, European Central Bank, etc ...).
European Union's acts and their procedures (legislative and non-legislative procedures).
The relationship between the legal order of the Union and those of the member states,
Judiciary power: appeal for a preliminary ruling, infringement procedure, appeal for annulment.
Technological innovation and its relevance on recent reforms.

Core Documentation

Adam - Tizzano: Lineamenti di Diritto dell'Unione Europea, Giuffrè (ultima edizione) or E. Cannizzaro, Il diritto dell'integrazione europea - l'ordinamento dell'Unione, Giappichelli ultima edizione

Bassan, Potere dell'algoritmo e regolazione dei mercati, Rubbettino 2019

Reference Bibliography

The study of the textbook must absolutely be accompanied by the consultation of the relevant regulatory sources (treaties and secondary institutional legislation, relevant provisions of Italian law).

Type of delivery of the course

Frontal lessons; seminars. The teaching activities include, in addition to lectures lasting 2 hours three times a week (for a total of 60 hours), also seminars held by external speakers (magistrates, lawyers and notaries) and case study discussions, with the aim of illustrating the application of the treated institutions. In the event of an extension of the health emergency due to COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of carrying out educational activities (and student evaluation) will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will be applied: distance teaching and learning tests through the use of the appropriate online platform. It is also advisable to regularly view the institutional information channels prepared by the University for the purpose of timely knowledge of the emergency measures in force.


Class attendance is not mandatory, but it is recommended.

Type of evaluation

The exam consists of a final oral test aimed at verifying the knowledge of the basic categories of European union law and the familiarity with the fundamentals of the methodology of legal interpretation, as well as the mastery of technical language and the capacity for systematic understanding of the institutions and of the logic underlying them. In the event of an extension of the health emergency due to COVID-19, all the provisions governing the procedures for carrying out the evaluation of students through the use of the appropriate online platform will be implemented.

Fruizione: 21201520 DIRITTO DELL'UNIONE EUROPEA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 (docente da definire)