21210059 - Clinica del Lavoro

The Legal Clinic of Labour Law is a course, built on the model of "Legal Clinics", which aims to provide students with the methodological tools for developing solutions to complex legal questions relating to HR management.
During the course, the study is carried out through the exam of practical cases, which will be analyzed and solved under the guidance of experts in human resource management (practicing lawyers and experts coming from employers’ associations at national level).

teacher profile | teaching materials


During the course will be analyzed practical cases about different types of contracts, such as smart working, fixed-term contracts, procurement contracts, temporary agency work, apprenticeships, independent work etc. The hypothesis of conciliatory agreements and salary modification agreements will also be examined. The course aims at devoloping a good ability to analyze the contractual text, recognizing the essential requirements of the contractual type examined, also making the necessary distinctions between similar types

Core Documentation

During the course it will be used a several type of documents, such as many examples of contracts, judgements, administrative practice.

Type of delivery of the course

Face-to-face lesson. Students can also attend the class through digital platform


Recommended attendance

Type of evaluation

The final exam consists of a written test aimed at checking the level of learning achieved by students with reference to the understanding of the regulatory framework of one or more institutes examined during the course and related to documents on platform.

teacher profile | teaching materials


During the course will be analyzed practical cases about different types of contracts, such as smart working, fixed-term contracts, procurement contracts, temporary agency work, apprenticeships, independent work etc. The hypothesis of conciliatory agreements and salary modification agreements will also be examined. The course aims at devoloping a good ability to analyze the contractual text, recognizing the essential requirements of the contractual type examined, also making the necessary distinctions between similar types.

Core Documentation

During the course it will be used a several type of documents, such as many examples of contracts, judgements, administrative practice.

Type of delivery of the course

Face-to-face lesson. Students can also attend the class through digital platform


Recommended attendance

Type of evaluation

The final exam consists of a written test aimed at checking the level of learning achieved by students with reference to the understanding of the regulatory framework of one or more institutes examined during the course and related to documents on platform.