This course aims to provide students with tools of theoretical and historical knowledge concerning artistic, social, material and relational aspects of theatre arts, in the broader sense of the performative dimensions of human behaviour. The central objective is a wide and inclusive knowledge of the past and present of the scenic arts, oriented to enable the student to recognize, to experience and to activate creative processes, research actions and skills of practical organization within the horizon of performing arts. The first part of the course provides direct approaches to texts, profiles, documents and phenomena that during the last century changed the notion of theatre and transformed traditions, skills, values, concepts and terms of the theatre practices. In the final part the course will share materials, documents, meetings and fieldworks, in order to orientate the students to take part in ongoing projects of their cultural context.


teacher profile | teaching materials


The course deals with texts and contexts of books making theory and practice of the Western performer in 20th century (Artaud, Brecht, Grotowski).
Through the reading of Shakespeare's Hamlet, a focus will concern the dramatic tradition in European modern theatre.

Core Documentation

TEXTS FOR THE EXAM: A. Artaud, Il teatro e il suo doppio, Einaudi, Torino; B. Brecht, Scritti teatrali, Einaudi, Torino; J. Grotowski, Testi. Volume II, Il teatro povero (1965-69),La casa Usher, Firenze;
W. Shakespeare, Amleto, edizione e traduzione a c. di A. Serpieri, Marsilio
2 texts among the following ones:
M. Schino, L’età dei maestri, Viella, Roma; E. Barba, La conquista della differenza, Bulzoni, Roma; F. Cruciani, Lo spazio del teatro, Laterza, Bari.
For non-attending students: R. Guarino, Shakespeare. La scrittura nel teatro, Carocci, Roma; or the third text of the optional ones.

Type of delivery of the course

Frontal lessons


Non-attending students should add another text to the program, suggested or arranged with the teacher.

Type of evaluation

Oral exam. The questions will address the texts treated and explained during the course.
